How To Immediately And Effortlessly Unearth True Love Via Your Computer

By Russ J. Paulson

There are many things that can cause tremendous grief, depression, and sadness in today's fast paced society. One huge source of anguish many people recognize is being single when everybody around you is happy and in love. It seems being in relationship is a deep requirement for most humans.

If you happen to be one of the unlucky ones who are in between relationships, then this time of your life can be particularly hard to deal with. Especially if you are coming off a potentially devastating breakup, it can be difficult to bounce back.

However, there is a bright side. We live in glorious times. It has never been easier to make connections with people. Never in the entire history of the human race has it been so easy to utilize all the resources you literally have at your fingertips to meet somebody special. The the cool thing is that it is really easy.

The first step is to get clear on exactly what you want. Physical characteristics, personality traits. Get as specific as you can. It has been said the best way to go about this is to pretend you are filling out an order form to give to the magical boyfriend or girlfriend factory. This way you'll be looking for somebody that you really want, rather than somebody you think you should want.

After you finish with that, you'll need to make as detailed a list of what you have to offer. What are you strong points? What can you add to a fulfilling relationship? Again, don't be shy. Add anything and everything you can think of.

Once you've got these two simple things squared away, all you need to do is start looking. Join any one of the thousands of Internet dating or computer dating sites, and start connecting with people. The more people you hook up with, the better your chances are of finding true love. - 31877

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A Brief Understanding Of Astral Projection

By Samuel K. Millings

Most people have come across the term 'astral projection'. Perhaps they heard it from a movie, book or an enlightened associate. However, few individuals understand that astral projection is a very real event. It is something that anyone can do. More than likely you have astral projected and never even realized it.

First, you need to understand that astral projection is real. It is the ability of any individual to leave their body. We all have this ability, it happens as we lay sleeping during the night. While we sleep, our physical body is at rest, the subconscious mind then takes control. While this is going on an individual is astral projecting, although for the most part, they will not remember doing so.

You go wherever you want to go when you project. If you can recall your childhood you may be able to remember having the ability to do this after going to sleep, eventually you forgot, as you got older. There is no such thing as time and distance when it concerns astral projection, you can go anywhere. While you are sleeping, your physical body is asleep. Your astral body travels.

You may wonder what the astral body is. It is the ethereal body; it is the duplicate of the body in an invisible form. All of our desires and feeling originate from there. Can the astral body leave and not come back? A silver cord unites the astral and physical bodies.

As the astral body first enters the physical body, the silver cord is connected. There is no depletion of this until after the time of death, when the astral body leaves the physical body for the very last time. This silver cord prevents the astral body from leaving and not coming back.

You may wonder where you may go when you astral project. The astral body goes to the astral plane. It is the invisible double of the Earth. It has a faster vibration than the physical Earth and its vibrations penetrate to the center of the Earth. Some define it as another dimension of reality. However, the majority agree that there are many levels of the astral plane.

Naturally, you may question as to the dangers of astral projection. Yes and no is the answer. Astral projection is something we are all capable of doing. We also know that the astral body can exit the physical body and will return. However, as with all things you should be sensible. What this means is that you do need good solid thinking skills and know what you want in order to go where you want to go.

You can find danger if your mind is not sound when you astral project. Therefore, anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol can find themselves in a crisis. These may be the lower levels of the astral plane.

The key to astral projection involves knowing what it is you are doing and where you want to go while doing it. You must have complete control of what your astral body may be doing, since your thoughts control your projection experiences.

You can learn to astral project very quickly if you prepare properly beforehand. Many individuals prefer to astral project alone in their own home. However, numerous professionals in the field of astral projection teach various methods to help others gain control and enjoy an enriched experience. You might even like to try both methods of learning how to astral project.

There are many books and other resources you can find online. For example, listening to a good quality astral projection hypnosis recording will create the correct state of mind needed. It will get you fully relaxed as well as going through the stages with you. The advantage of this rather than a professional session is that you can keep playing the recording several times until your subconscious mind gets the message that it is perfectly okay for you to leave your body.

Recently there have been great advances in sound technology called binaural beats. This works by playing slightly different degrees of sound frequencies in either ear. This offers a very quickly relaxing and deep state of meditation to occur which is essential for astral projecting success.

Don't get frustrated if you are not able to successfully astral project the first time or even the second or third time. This is something that you must practice. It is not an ability that you have to acquire, we are all capable of doing it, many have just forgotten how and need to fine tune the natural skill.

Still not convinced? When was the last time you dreamt of flying or felt as though you were falling? The flying was the astral body moving through the astral planes. The falling sensation came when you noticed that astral body coming back to the physical body. Astral projection is real! Anyone can do it and benefit from it, if they take the time to fine tune their natural ability. - 31877

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How To Become A Clairvoyant

By Simon Pegg

Clairvoyance is considered to be a paranormal term that originated in the French language. In the French language the word 'clair' means 'clear' and 'voyance' translates to 'vision', so a 'voyant' would be known as a visionary. Therefore, 'clairvoyance' translates to 'clear vision' and a 'clairvoyant' would be known as an individual that is a 'clear visionary.' However, the literal translations are neither very helpful nor accurate.

The definition of the term clairvoyant has been further complicated over the years because it has been used over the years to refer to many different things. The term gradually emerged when referring to a person that displays a range of paranormal or psychic abilities. The one definition that is all-encompassing describes a clairvoyant as an individual that possesses the ability to know things about a person, location, object or event without using any of the five senses. Clairvoyance is the use of a form of extra-sensory perception or ESP.

Clairvoyance normally involves a clairvoyant individual knowing about something that is taking place at that time or in a far away location out of the range of any physical sense. There have been plenty of cases documented about a clairvoyant having knowledge of something that occurred in the future or in the past. Many people consider clairvoyance to be a form of precognition or prophecy.

The means through which a clairvoyant learns hidden information varies, but generally breaks down into one of six categories. Clairvoyance is perhaps most associated with the first form, the phenomenon of 'remote viewing.' In remote viewing, a clairvoyant sees a person, object, location, or event hidden from them. This sometimes takes the form of a visual hallucination, and other times as the clairvoyant 'seeing' something in their 'mind's eye.'

The second form is called clairaudience. In clairaudience, the clairvoyant gets their remote event information by sound. They might hear noises or voices that people and recorders are unable to hear. There have been cases where the clairvoyant hears voices of the dead. In this case, the phenomenon could cross the line into mediumship.

The next form of clairvoyance is known as clairsentience. The clairvoyant is able to gain knowledge through the use of the senses of feeling and touch. In many cases this takes the form of feeling objects that aren't there. In other instances it more of a vibe or feeling that the clairvoyant receives from specific events, locations, or people.

The fourth one is clairalience. This happens when a person is able to gain knowledge of remote events and locations with their sense of smell. It is possible for them to smell wildflowers or grass of a beautiful spring meadow that is followed by the smell of gunpowder that is followed with the scent of blood. No one else is able to smell these things and there is never an apparent source for the smells.

The next and fifth type of clairvoyance is known as clairgustance. In clairgustance a clairvoyant with an empty mouth is able to taste different flavors even though there is no obvious source. These clairvoyants are able to precisely describe the different taste of things from a distance.

The last and sixth type of clairvoyance is claricognizance. This type is perhaps the hardest one to explain and define. With claircognizance an individual somehow knows something about a location, person, event, or object and they are unable to explain how they got the knowledge. They jut know it. To some degree, claircongnizance is known as the catch-all category of clairvoyance.

There have been many documented occurrences of people who are clairvoyant throughout history from different cultures around the globe. Instances of clairvoyance have also been incorporated into some of the world's most widespread religions.

In Buddhism for example, clairvoyance is considered of the six special senses humans are capable of at advanced levels of meditation. In this case, it refers to being able to feel vibrations put out by other people.

In Catholicism, clairvoyance has often been considered miraculous. Over five hundred years ago, Saint Claire, a disciple of Saint Francis, had a vision in which she witnessed Saint Francis's death, despite the fact that she was miles away at the time. Interestingly, the Catholic Church made Saint Claire the patron saint of television. 'Television' literally means 'seeing over a distance.'

There are, of course, many who are sceptical of clairvoyance. It is part of human nature for people to deny the existence of something just because they do not understand it. For example, even the existence of magnetism and electricity was denied by 'scientists' not that long ago historically.

Yet whatever sceptics may say, no one has been able to disprove clairvoyance, and there is increasing evidence to show that there are many genuine clairvoyants around. In general, scientists, parapsychologists, and the general public are becoming more open-minded and more ready to accept that clairvoyance is real.

Just because we don't understand how it works, there is no reason to deny its existence. It has been suggested that in the distant past, all humans used to be clairvoyant but for some reason lost their powers. It is thought that everybody could again become clairvoyant if they make the effort and choose to develop these powers. - 31877

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Flannel Pajamas-Your First Choice In Flannel Sleepwear

By Barbera Wellbout

Flannel pajamas is the choice of many individuals when they are shopping for night attire. There are many different styles and types of flannel sleepwear. Flannel only refers to the material that the pajamas are composed of. Originally, pajamas were nothing more than extremely lightweight, loose fitting trousers that were worn by both males and females in the area of Asia.

The waistband in these trousers used a drawstring to adjust the fit for the individual wearing them. Before long the trousers transformed into two-piece pajamas that included a shirt and pants that were also worn my both men and women. This handy guide will provide a brief overview of flannel pajamas.

When we started to evaluate flannel pajamas, we found that there are three unique kinds. There is the traditional style, the contemporary style, and the kind that is often used as daywear. The traditional flannel pajamas normally have a button up, jacket type shirt.

The sleeves on this kind of sleepwear normally won't include a cuff. Many Asians refer to traditional flannel pajamas as Night Suits. People in other regions, including the United States, call this kind of flannel sleepwear PJs and young children might call them Jammies.

Many individuals are starting to develop an interest in flannel pajamas that are contemporary because of the fact that there are many different styles to choose from.

You will find both long and short pants and shirts with this kind of flannel sleepwear. Sometimes you will find flannel pajamas that are simple one-piece suits. Some styles will include pockets, and others zippers.

Flannel pajamas often have other features like adjustable straps, decorative trims, and adjustable drawstring waistbands.

Another popular type of flannel pajamas are the ones that are used for daywear as well as sleepwear. They are often worn around the house when relaxation and comfort is a necessity. They usually include a pair of pants that are lightweight and called Capri pants.

Along with the pants you will find a shirt that's made of either 100% flannel or a blend of cotton and flannel. Choosing flannel pajamas is usually determined by your personal comfort level.

In addition to this, the level of functionality and type of functionality will help you determine the best type of flannel sleepwear or night suits for you as an individual. - 31877

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Happiness Begins With Learning To Breath

By Jamie Brown

This day in age, people are turning to religion in droves. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism has embedded it's ideology in the hearts and minds of millions globally. While all these religions deserve respect and tolerance, few in the west have a grasp on the complicated concept of Buddhism.

The end all and be all of online encyclopedias, Wikipedia grabs the first slot on a Google search for the term Buddhism and the breakdown reads like this: "Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pali/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.

He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering, achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhism is traditionally conceived as a path of liberation attained through insight into the ultimate nature of reality. Two major branches of Buddhism are recognized: Theravada ("The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle"). Theravada, the oldest surviving branch, has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana is found throughout East Asia and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shingon, Tendai and Shinnyo-en. In some classifications, a third branch, Vajrayana, is recognized, although many see this as an offshoot of the Mahayana. While Buddhism remains most popular within Asia, both branches are now found throughout the world.

Various sources put the number of Buddhists in the world at between 230 million and 500 million." After living abroad in Asia for several years I have found that Buddhist cultures are more tolerant because the focus is on the 'self' and the meditation on the calming of the mind, concentrating on controlled breathing and the idea that meditation to bring one closer to peace is central to discovering one's self.

If you have the opportunity to investigate the practice of Buddhism, I would highly recommend it. I'm not saying to take up the path and convert to a religion but the calming affect that is central to this religions concept will bring a peaceful serenity to your life that you may find useful. All in all respect and tolerance for all religious perspectives is something that people are beginning to make a conscious effort to practice and understanding ideas from various religions can teach us an appreciation that can bring us all closer together. - 31877

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Halo 3: Screenshots

By Casey Jones

When a video game series is as wildly famous as the Halo series, which includes Halo 3, of course, then it's bound to result in there being many screenshots available. This piece focuses on some of the weird and wild Halo 3 screenshots.

Before mentioning the Halo 3 screenshots specifically, let's take a look at the figures that generate all of this media. Over 9 million copies of Halo 3 have been sold so far. That means that if each person who bought the game plays for only 10 hours, there are more than 90 million hours of game time from which to select screen shots. A lot can happen in 90 million hours, and with all the picture-uploading websites available to people, a lot of it has been uploaded.

One of the issues in Halo 3 that has often been copied in Halo 3 screenshots is what Master Chief looks like or more specifically, what his face looks like. If you use a search engine to look up the top 10 Halo 3 screenshots, you'll find a screenshot of Master Chief lying dead on the ground, clearly not revealing a face inside his helmet. This explains why we never see his face, say many people, because he does not really have one.

Another of the Halo 3 screenshots featuring in the top 10 Halo 3 screenshots is that of a Marine getting hammered on a floodgate. Someone commented that it looks a little bit like Han Solo when he was frozen in Carbonite. And guess what? - they're absolutely correct.

The designers of Halo 3 decided to make it a lot simpler for players to grab Halo 3 screenshots and to post them all over the Internet. In order to achieve this, they created a 'Saved Films' feature in the video game. This feature permits players to slow down the action, or even to freeze it, change the camera angles and even move the camera around to get exactly the screenshot they would like to see. Generally speaking, the 'Save Films' feature records all the action that occurs in the game, so it can later be converted into videos are screenshots.

Another feature that has a lot to do with Halo 3 screenshots in the 'Save Films' feature, is the watching of previously saved films. You see, the saves are not just images or video, they're real game data. This means two things: 1] the file size is pretty small and 2] the whole game can be watched from different angles on the Xbox 360.

Which means to say that a person could replay a game again and again, finding new things in new places every time they watch it. That's a great deal better than simple Halo 3 screenshots. - 31877

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Why Spiritual Gay Travel is Enjoyable

By Howie Holben

There seems to be the conception that gay spirituality travel (whatever that means to you) is "work". Nobody wants to work on a vacation. That's why we take a vacation in the first place, to get "away from it all" for awhile, to escape. We seem to frame the concepts of spiritual and personal growth with thoughts like: "I need to do this" or "I should do that" because "it would be good for me". With those ideas as a background, it's no wonder that so many of us think of spiritual and personal growth as "work". When we're on a vacation, we want to leave all the "need to's" and "should's" of daily life behind us, for at least a short time.

Spiritual gay travel is actually a great joy. You meet like minded people and share your experences with them and you get a chance to really get to know them. Connecting with others this deeply adds a great deal to our vacation enjoyment. It is this connection to other people that is so lacking in our lifes.

We have also learned that being "spiritual" means we must act solemn. We seem to think that play is anti-spiritual. The truth is just the opposite. Laughter brings a real connection to spirit and connection that is more profound than you can imagine

In actuality, I have found just the opposite to be true. When we are awake and aware of our surroundings, in other words "spiritually" connected, our gay vacations are amplified and intensified. We are able to experience more of the world around us and experience it at a deeper level. We have found that this amplified experience actually makes our adventures more "fun" because all aspects of our travel are intensified; we can play more, we can laugh more, we can relax more fully and we can even shop more!

Children are a great example. The world is their playground and everything is a wonder. Joy is found in everything for a child because it is all new and everything is to be played with. To see as though you were a child is a great gift.

And last, but certainly not least, sometimes people confuse the experience of being awestruck as being serious or solemn. When you travel with conscious awareness there can be times when you will be "deeply moved" (awestruck) by something you encounter. It could be the hospitality of a family you meet; a genuine smile; the grandeur of a sunrise or simply the revelation that you are blessed to be alive. Pesonally, even after countless visits to Monument Valley, I am still moved tears while I am there. But these are tears of joy, humility and gratitude. - 31877

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Secret Law Of Attraction Puts Success Within Reach

By Leona Claives

A new way of thinking has been sweeping the nation for the past few years. It has caused people to feel more confident and to go searching for their goals with a heightened sense of purpose. This new thought process helps to bring anything you want within your grasp. This type of thinking is based on a philosophy espoused by Abraham Hicks called the secret law of attraction.

The theories behind the law of attraction have been around in one form or another since man first began to question his place in the universe. Approximately one hundred years ago, advances were made in being able to feel the powers of the universe in your mind. Since then, refinements have been made and today Abraham Hicks has codified the law of attraction.

If you are planning on making the law of attraction work for you, you need to train your mind to use it. The first step in your training is to have only positive thoughts. This is actually more difficult than it sounds. You need to take all the doubts and secret fears you hold in the back of your mind and sweep them clean away.

For most of us, we have been trained to think poorly of our abilities. At some point in our lives we have been told we aren't good enough, smart enough, or talented enough to accomplish our goals.

You need to do a lot of soul-searching, figure out the parts of yourself that you don't like and either fix them or come to love them indiscriminately. In order for the law of attraction to work for you, you need to be full of positive energy and confidence.

Once you have achieved this, you will immediately begin to feel the results. The law of attraction harnesses the powers of sympathetic vibrations. As energy travels through the universe, it is automatically drawn to objects that vibrate on the same frequency. So if your own personal vibrations are negative all you can hope to draw is negative energy.

We crack self-deprecating jokes and don't set our expectations too high so that we won't get disappointed. However, if we can learn to release all of our doubts and fears and only view ourselves in a positive light, then the sky's the limit. Take some time every day, say at least twenty minutes, to sit still and concentrate on what a good person you are. It may take one or many months, but eventually you will believe it.

Once good things start happening to you because of the law of attraction, it becomes a virtuous loop. You feel good about yourself, so more good things happen to you. This, in turn, boosts your self-esteem so that even more good things happen to you. All you need to do is take the first step of seeing yourself in a positive light and you can let the law of attraction start working for you today. - 31877

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Luxury Spa Treatment

By Justin Davey

If you travel to Cambridge, you will see a balance of modern city life and traditional architecture. The beautiful landscape is a culmination of The Towers, quandrangles and the peaceful gardens of the 31 colleges.

The demand for spa's has dramatically increased over the years, causing many hotels to be taken down and replaced by spa's, and in some cases huge resorts to have a spa built in, to satisfy their customer needs.

If you have ever been on a spa treatment you would know that it is not the cheapest of ways to spend a weekend. However if you do manage to find the right spa, it sis certainly guaranteed that you shall not be disappointed with the results. So don't fell guilty for spending that little money on yourself that you worked so hard to get, everybody deserves to treat themselves once in a while.

The main university is the probably one of the most famous places in the city. It consists of 31 famous colleges, which are accessible via a guided tour. Moggerhanger Park is a very historic landmark. It is a Georgian Grade I house which stands tall in the Bedfordshire Countryside. Over time is has undergone a process of renovation and it seems to fit the original design of Sir John Soane.

A spa can be found in densely populated areas, but usually cater to the society in which they are placed, so be sure you know what you are signing up to before to make any rash decisions, otherwise your weekend in paradise can go very wrong.

It is the end of the month, and a long one at that, so its time to lie back and enjoy one of the many luxuries of life that you have been blessed with.

There are a varitey of activities to do in the city regardless of the particular season. In the summertime, you can enjoy the best in music, drama and dance in the Cambridge's Corn Exchange Festival. There are also the firework displays and folk festival which annual features in the city. - 31877

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Joy, Peace and Happiness

By Jamie Brown

This day in age, people are turning to religion in droves. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism has embedded it's ideology in the hearts and minds of millions globally. While all these religions deserve respect and tolerance, few in the west have a grasp on the complicated concept of Buddhism.

The end all and be all of online encyclopedias, Wikipedia grabs the first slot on a Google search for the term Buddhism and the breakdown reads like this: "Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pali/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.

He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering, achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhism is traditionally conceived as a path of liberation attained through insight into the ultimate nature of reality. Two major branches of Buddhism are recognized: Theravada ("The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle"). Theravada, the oldest surviving branch, has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana is found throughout East Asia and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shingon, Tendai and Shinnyo-en. In some classifications, a third branch, Vajrayana, is recognized, although many see this as an offshoot of the Mahayana. While Buddhism remains most popular within Asia, both branches are now found throughout the world.

Various sources put the number of Buddhists in the world at between 230 million and 500 million." After living abroad in Asia for several years I have found that Buddhist cultures are more tolerant because the focus is on the 'self' and the meditation on the calming of the mind, concentrating on controlled breathing and the idea that meditation to bring one closer to peace is central to discovering one's self.

If you have the opportunity to investigate the practice of Buddhism, I would highly recommend it. I'm not saying to take up the path and convert to a religion but the calming affect that is central to this religions concept will bring a peaceful serenity to your life that you may find useful. All in all respect and tolerance for all religious perspectives is something that people are beginning to make a conscious effort to practice and understanding ideas from various religions can teach us an appreciation that can bring us all closer together. - 31877

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A Happy Dog Will Live and Love Longer

By Tornoe Rose

Having pets is not an easy chore. You have a lot of duties to accomplish so that they can mature into well-bred animals in the later years. These duties include gratifying their basic requirements as well as their caprices. From their chow to their protection, from their grooming to their well-being necessities, all these tasks will be yours to shoulder the instant you have possession of your adorable canine. It is not that dissimilar from being a mom or dad to a human infant.

Dogs are the most obvious choice for pets. They are devoted, highly trainable, smart and enjoyable to be with. It doesn't matter what kind of dog you like. If you like athletic breeds, you may get a German shepherd or a pit-bull. Should you prefer toy dogs like Japanese Spitz or Shih Tzu, you can easily order them at the vet's clinic. Sport dogs like Golden Retriever and Doberman are also great choices in terms of companionship.

Because you get a lot of remuneration from spending time with your pet dog, doesn't it follow that you should also do everything within your means to make them happy? It's the least you can do for all the remarkable moments that they have offered you. Here are some noteworthy techniques to make your pet happy. Read on and utilize them in your dog's life.

The first thing that you should do to keep your dog in a state of nirvana is to provide it with the requisite food, water, exercise, dog house and a regular visit to the friendly neighborhood veterinarian. Make sure that you are presenting them with nutrients that are appropriate for their breed and age. Bigger dogs need more calories and protein than their smaller counterparts. In the same manner, puppies have slightly different nutritional requirements than their adult counterparts. Dogs with thick and fluffy coat also need more zinc and other minerals compared to those with thinner and finer hair.

A regular workout schedule is also important for your four-legged friend. Walking them in the park or playing Frisbee with them three times a week for a minimum of at least 30 minutes per session is enough to give their cardiovascular system a good exercise. This will thwart the possibility of them getting fat or developing problems like an atherosclerotic heart.

A dog shelter is compulsory to shield them from the sweltering warmth of the summer sun. Moreover, it will act as their sanctuary during the biting chill of the winter season.

Visiting the local vet will also ensure that they are in tiptop shape. Be conscious of their needed vaccinations. Shots against rabies and Parvo virus must be ticked off in their medical record. Heed your vet's advice if he has additional immunizations because they are aware that each dog breed has varying needs.

You may also give them a treat once in a while by giving them pampering sessions in a dog spa. Bubbly shower baths nail clipping, fur trimming, tooth brushing and other related services will make your pet dog feel so loved. Consequently, these hygienic activities will also help banish the pesky fleas that might have invaded their sensitive skin.

Spend quality time with your pooch. Aside from your bonding moments during your exercise session, make time to cuddle with him as soon as you get home from work. You may also try talking to him like you would any normal person. Studies show that relating with animals lower the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Therefore, this seemingly simple task will then give long-term benefits to both of you.

Lastly, dog-proof your home so that unwanted situations can be avoided or at the very least, minimized. Make sure all electrical appliances are kept or installed in safe places. Be careful about dangling wires and sharp or heavy kitchen tools and utensils spread just about anywhere. Place your things in their appropriate locations so that your pet dog won't trip on them. - 31877

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Coming to Terms with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

By Gordon Dalwood

The fictitious beliefs surrounding GAD or generalized anxiety disorder are many. Some say it is not an illness of great import and the people that have this are just suffering from a weak mind. This is just a stereotype that has become commonplace and the accuracy of this diagnosis is totally off-track. Millions of people who have GAD are suffering from a genuine incapacitating condition that is not a figment of their imagination.

Essentially, GAD is a form of anxiety which manifests itself primarily as worry and nervousness, and in most cases it is known to be chronic. Sufferers experience frequent bouts of nervousness, fear and even paranoia with regards to various aspects of their lives, whether it's about personal matters, their career, their family or of course, their financial position. However, it's only when a person experiences these symptoms for at least six months that they are then considered to be suffering from GAD.

Additionally, people suffering from GAD tend to suffer from a variety of symptoms, such as drowsiness, forgetfulness, irritability, lack of energy, insomnia, as well as a host of other issues. Furthermore, with so much anxiety playing on a person's mind, this psychological problem soon starts to manifest in physical ways. When the condition reaches this stage, the effects make it virtually impossible for a person to lead a normal day to day life.

In certain instances, sufferers of GAD may also experience symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These could for example include flashbacks of traumatic, anxiety inducing events. These flashbacks can have a tremendous impact on the quality of a person's life, and often leads to living a life far less enjoyable than one would lead if you weren't suffering from GAD. Therefore, seeking professional treatment for GAD is vital.

The primary step in treatment focuses on receiving a proper analysis. Such an analysis is carried out by a psychiatrist by means of a series of tests. Once the psychiatrist has made a proper diagnosis, they will move on to the next treatment. In many cases this usually involves being given prescriptions for anti-anxiety medication in order to control the problem.

Some patients will recover just fine simply by using the anti-anxiety prescriptions. There will be those, however, that prefer to meet with a therapist and discuss counseling options to reduce the onset of GAD. For many, the mix of prescription medication and therapy work quite well.

It is, however, important not to dismiss engaging in simple lifestyle changes to reduce anxiety. Playing sports, cleaning up one's diet, taking part in hobbies that burn up excess tension can all have a calming and therapeutic. This is why they are considered so valuable.

It is also important to avoid listening to those individuals that downplay the seriousness of GAD. When advice and opinions are not coming from a knowledgeable source, it is best to dismiss the opinions. They simply are not helpful and they certainly will not play a role in alleviating your condition. Once again, their opinions are based on myths and hold little value. Stick with listening to the advice of professionals. They know what they are doing. - 31877

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Shyness Can Be Overcome Through Self Help

By Hans S Delane

Some people get extremely nervous at the thought of talking to unfamiliar people. A thought of talking to unknown faces leads to a flutter in their stomach. Extreme amount of shyness can have a serious cascading effect on the social life of people. Social anxiety is a common problem in millions of people, who suffer from this disorder at some point in their lives. Treatment for this disorder exists in the form of cognitive behavioral cure.

Scientists actually thought that the family's environment directly impacted the emotional growth of the children while they morph into adults. It is now clear that some people are shy by nature. Some people are able to manage and overcome this but some continue to suffer till the end of their lives. In today's times, one doesn't need to mingle face to face and can do social interactions virtually. Thanks to the internet and its associated characteristics like email interaction and computer gaming, the social interaction potential is greatly reduced. In order to cure this disorder, there are many things one can do to overcome its negative effects.

Firstly, you need to find out what triggers the chain of thoughts in our mind. You can't be feeling shy in all situations. When do you really feel uncomfortable? Pose a question for yourself about this at the beginning itself. Does your mind start making negative predictions on its own without any logic? Try and challenge the negative thoughts before you start believing them and accepting them as true.

As a shy person, you need to start ingraining the thought the what you are thinking is only a guess. Do not focus too much on anything that reconfirms your belief on anxiety. Instead, shift your focus and attention on something that is opposite. In reality, one cannot please everyone at the same time.

Summon your guts to face the situation head on. Exposure is the best way to fight it since you yourself place yourself in situations where you encounter anxiety and shyness. Start facing your fears repeatedly so that you become accustomed to them, which will eventually lessen the grip and disappear. The end objective should be start facing the what you fear the most so that it appears simple to you. Even though, this may lead to hiccups in the beginning but it is a good idea to start doing it as soon as possible. Do not delay this as it will lead to more challenges for you.

Shyness happens to be a personality characteristic and not a psychological imbalance or disorder. It has varying degrees of shyness. Some people simply can't face crowd and then there are some who want to live like hermits, totally cut off from the world. That's not the way one should be living their life. Some shy people treat shyness as a cocoon. The cocoon provides them warmth, quietness and aloofness. At the same time, it is very dark, lonely and confining.

Ask the family and friends to support and guide you. When faced with difficult situations, rely on them to seek pointers and guidance. When you are aware that there is someone out there to support you, life becomes much easier. Slowly and gradually, you will see that you are losing your fears and inhibitions. After gaining a social life, it will be interesting to see how easy it is to meet new people.

In order to overcome shyness, you can try out multiple things. If you want to make shyness a thing of past, start taking one step a day or week. While these pointers are good, there is more that can be done to erase shyness. - 31877

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How To Remove The Rules That Are Limiting Your Abundance

By Eric Johnson

We live with many rules about how we should feel. When we believe we have to feel a certain way given our circumstances, we are enslaved to our emotions. If we are stuck in traffic we think we should feel angry and anxious, so we do. If a loved one is sick we think we should feel worried and afraid. If it's cloudy outside, we think we have to feel bad.

But these rules about when we can be happy and what we need in order to be happy are not rules of the universe. People who do not know any better program these rules into us, and these rules interfere with our happiness. We can, however, change these programmed rules. The first step is to recognize that these rules about happiness are not real rules. Then we can decide to be happy.

It is the accumulation of all these incoming instructive messages that we call programming, much like each channel on your television carries specific programming. Over the many years you've been alive these various messages have been imprinted into your subconscious mind, and this programming controls the wheel and drives you through much of your day. Your subconscious mind initially held onto each of these signals as a means to protect you, but these beliefs will not serve you as you seek prosperity. They will only hold you back.

Unfortunately, not all our limiting beliefs and feelings go away when they are no longer needed. Because these fears and negative emotions block us from abundance, it is important to rid ourselves of them. We resist abundance because part of our mind believes it's unsafe or not right for us to have it. When we clear our limiting beliefs we begin to believe that we deserve abundance; then we attract abundance to our lives.

There are techniques that help us to change our energy by changing the programmed rules that prevent us from experiencing prosperity and joy.

Gratitude List

An easy and fun way to shift your energy out of limiting beliefs and into powerful positive manifestations is by writing gratitude lists. Remember, what you think about you bring about, and if you're focused on the problems or potential pitfalls of a situation that's all you'll find. So instead of spending another moment bemoaning the deficiencies in your relationship (with a person, a great job, money, etc.) instead make a list of all the things that are going right, things that you are thankful for. Look around. Did your spouse take out the garbage last night? Be grateful and put it on the list. Did your teenager call when they said they would and come home on time? Put it on your list. By listing all the things in your life that are going right you automatically shift your energy to the positive. You'll start to feel better and have a brighter outlook.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is an energy modality based on acupuncture. Chinese medicine practitioners have been using acupuncture for thousands of years to increase the flow of energy through the body. Energy flows through the body along pathways called meridians. When the meridians are blocked we are out of balance, which is a state of illness or disease. Our natural, balanced state is health, wellbeing, and happiness. EFT frees us from programmed limitations and helps us restore our natural state of joy, balance, and flow.

EFT chips away at the limiting beliefs and exposes the underlying abundance and joy. Underneath we find our true self, which is happy, joyful, healthy, and loving. Freed from limiting beliefs, our true self enjoys prosperity.

Gratitude lists and EFT are two ways of changing your energy to eliminate programmed limitations and attract abundance to your life. - 31877

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Be All You Can Be

By Tracee Bonderas

When any of us are looking for ways to improve ourselves we tend to participate in the common areas which are common to social improvement, some of these common goals can be: joining a gym, quit smoking, spending more time with family and friends. How do we assess our own situation and decide that it is time for better need of self improvement? The signs will be plentiful.

Sure tell signs that you are in need of an adjustment are feelings of physical and mental slowness, not content about your current situation and way of life amongst other things hindering your constant daily lives. When someone decides to choose self improvement, they first have to change themselves mentally then a more positive attitude will follow.

Changing your lifestyle doesn't mean you are insufficient enough to carry on life's goals, it mean that there's just a slight imbalance between who you are, what you want and where you want to go in life. Figuring out how and where to begin can be a nightmare; but with a little bit of planning and organization, re-applying yourself to a proper life's path will be a lot easier.

Listing all the problems you face is a great way to start, you are basically writing down all the obstacles you want to tackle and addressing them one by one. Also, list all the things in life that are positive aspects of your life. Comparing the lists to each other, try to pinpoint ways that you can proactively eliminate the frustrations.

These lists carry a lot of weight in helping you identifying what are the root causes of your problematic issues and by clearing the path to the issues you want to address, it is easier to focus on the goals at hand. Looking at the list of your major sources of satisfaction will encourage you by representing the successes you have brought to yourself as well as the skills you can utilize in yourself improvement plan.

Sometimes the best place to start is with the body, by committing to healthy eating and exercise, while sometimes mental and emotional needs may take precedence. Map out your starting point and your ultimate goals and in between list all the short term rally points that will lead up to that goal. Don't jump the gun too quick and concentrate on each rally point until you've met them and then continue to the next. By doing this with discipline you will see a growth in what ever area you are trying to achieve. - 31877

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Using the amazing technique of Hypno-Sleep

By Simon Westlake

Dave Elman considered this level of trance he named Hypno-Sleep to be the deepest level of hypnosis possible. This is much different than somnambulism or the hypnotic coma. Hypno-Sleep consists of teaching the client to enter a very deep state of natural sleep through a hypnotic suggestion. After the client is deep asleep, you learn how to add deep hypnosis to this state.

One of the main reasons it is so effective is that it communicates directly with the un-conscious mind and is therefore free of the distractions that can sometimes be experienced when passing through he conscious mind to get to the un-conscious mind. The session can be much more effective especially where the individual believes very intensely that they cannot be hypnotized.

This is a wonderful state for the analytical client as the analytical conscious mind is asleep and non-functional in this state.

The steps necessary to ensure the correct procedure is carried out are: 1) Count the respirations 2) Ensure breathing is down to about six or seven/per minute, if client is breathing too fast wait until they are in a deeper sleep 3) Always approach very gently 4) talk to them as yourself "This is YourName speaking you can hear me but you can't wake up" 5)You may use a physical cue "I will know you can hear me when your right thumb moves"

The client is usually in such deep sleep that the above must be repeated several times before it seems to penetrate his unconscious. Continue: "I'll know you're hearing me when your thumb, which I'm going to touch, begins to rise. I'll know you're hearing me when your thumb moves. You can hear me, but you can't wake up."
When the thumb responds, continue to talk gently, compounding suggestions as you proceed.
When you have finished giving the desired suggestions, or have concluded the hypno analysis, your next step is to remove the hypnotic state, so that the client can continue an entirely natural sleep state until he wakes up by himself. Do it as follows: "When I stop talking to you, you will revert to the state you were in before I started talking to you. You will sleep deeply, and in the morning, you'll awaken completely refreshed - won't even remember I've been talking to you, but you'll feel so much better about the ____ (operation, or will not be bothered any more by this allergic reaction or whatever suggestions is appropriate). You won't worry about it a bit. You just know we wouldn't be ____ (performing the operation) if we didn't know it was going to be absolutely safe for you, and easy for you to take. And you'll get well so fast. Now go to sleep very soundly, and I'll see you in the morning ... I'll stop talking now. - 31877

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Benefiting From The Cosmic Order Service

By Jamie-Lee Day

The popularity of the Cosmic Order Service has reached new unprecedented heights in the recent years. However, it really comes as no surprise considering the number of celebrities who have publicly endorsed it and attributed their success to the cosmic order service. So, that makes the common man wonder, how does the cosmic order service work? What makes cosmic order work for some folks and not others?

To be able to comprehend the facts about cosmic order, you should distinguish first what your mind is and what it can do for you. Our mind has the capability to think. The mind is somewhat connected to the movement of the Universe. The mind knows what you believe and what you want. Knowing what you want, deciding that you want this, and believing that you will get this is the remarkable power of the mind.

It has been studied recently that the smallest particles of matter known as quarks continue to move around and once they shift to a new level, they create a sudden and significant change or a quantum leap. The force that makes the movement is energy. The force that makes the mind to be creative and to be influential to move positive things in your directions is also energy. It clearly shows that energy connects the mind to the universe by letting the energy guide your desires to reality.

Majority of people do not know how to change the existing pattern of their lives. They are exposed to problems, feelings of despair and despondency through news. Most of them talk about lack of resources and money. Jealousy hounds them as the elusive success touches them and not their neighbour. What they don't realize is, that with a shift in their thinking and actions, they can actually make their wishes come true. Nevertheless, its not as simple as it seems.

For years, most people have operated out of negativity. Most people operate out of a scarcity mindset. They don't accept that the Universe has everything for everyone and it is in abundance. People worry about theur health, constantly think of new problems before the old problems are over and never really count their blessings or expect a great life. No wonder, they are disillusioned and feel that God really doesn't love them. They employ the cosmic order service and get what they expect.

Some people think that suffering is noble. They will be loved by God if they are miserable. They believe that they must keep working hard and keep slogging or they will not deserve and receive any thing good. They condition their minds to think and believe this way.

What will happen to your life depends on what ideas and beliefs you would supply to your mind. If you think that you are not going to prosper, then you will not really prosper. You have the choice to order the best the world can give or the poorest there is.

You can bring about a dramatic and positive change in your life but for that you will have to go deep into the mind to undo years of negative conditioning. Positive thinking works only if your mind is convinced about what you are telling or repeating to it. You need to first get rid of every thought of failure that you have believed in so far.

You can try hypnosis, chakra healing and balancing and affirmations to get aligned with the universe. Binaural brainwave training frequencies waves are also a great way to connect your mind with the universe and use the cosmic order service.

These techniques help to balance the brain waves and allow you to get in touch with your subconscious mind, the storehouse of tremendous energy. These techniques help you to remove the old negative patterns and create a new positive request from the cosmic order service.

In life, everything comes for a price. The cosmic order service is available to those who have the knowledge that you can have what you want and whenever. All that is required is a complete removal of dogmatic, rigid believes and some courage and persistence. It may look tough, but then if it means a life full of happiness, then it is definitely worth it! - 31877

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Telepathy - Communicate Without Your Normal Senses

By David A Andrews

Sure you may have heard about telepathy before, but do you know the meaning of the word? The easiest way to explain it is when you experience "feelings over a distance." Simply put, it is when someone takes their emotions and transmits it to another without using any actions like hearing, touching, sight, words, or anything else.

Most people believe this to be a type of communication that is well above every other type. Even scientists and animal trainers have done extensive research and found that animals are able to do this from very far distances. Keep in mind this isn't some small study, it's actually to a point where they believe this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Many years ago it was believed that primitive tribes possessed the power of telepathy, and anthropologists still believe it today.

Even if you have never considered it before, the truth of the matter is that telepathy is just a different language that can be taught and learned. We already acknowledge those who can't speak correctly or read as well as others, so we should also help those who can't develop their telepathic power. However, it is possible for everyone to develop them to a certain degree.

So knowing this, we have to believe that most of humanity has simply lost their ability to connect with the telepathy that the mind has an available. It should be as easy as the way to respond to music and your other five senses.

What it comes down to is that telepathy and that "sixth sense" is connected. You may know the term "third eye" to be a more descriptive answer in your area.

You may not even realize the times that this happens to you, but everyone has telepathy as a tool. The only problem is most people don't know how to use it. Oddly enough we experience it all the time and call it instinct instead. Maybe you're driving home from work and just have a bad feeling about something at home, and then when you get there a problem arises. These are considered "gut feelings" and while many people accept this as an answer, they don't realize that it has to do with telepathy. The most common instance you will hear is the connection between a mother and child.

What you'll find is that our society has simply lost touch with the ability to utilize our telepathic power. How this began will probably never be answered, but it's believed that it was constantly down played by religions all over the world. Most predominantly were Christianity and Islam. They believe that this is the power of Satan and not a tool the human mind already has inside.

The debate over this subject continues to surface every now and again, but the truth of the matter is that religions have a lot of power over our civilization. We are taught that our own natural abilities should be pushed aside for the Messiah, the Savior, or the Prophet (depending on your religion).

Knowing this, you have to wonder why they are so distrustful when it comes to telepathy. In our own opinion it has to do with the power struggle between religious leaders. Why would they want someone else challenging them if they knew about telepathy? Granted not every leader is like this, but the majority has been throughout history.

While this is a major problem, there are many other issues as well. One of the biggest has to do with the assurance that comes from science. While most scientists believe there is a connection between telepathy and the mind, there are some out there that just can't accept it. On a lawful approach, some scientists believe that telepathy cannot be numerically measured, tasted, or touched.

It's a big dilemma considering scientists have no problem accepting emotions and instincts. Are these individuals being prejudice? It's possible, but since scientists can feel emotions and instincts themselves, they consider this okay. When it comes to telepathy though, there is a lot left to be explained, so they don't acknowledge it.

We could run through all kinds of questions, but you would only come back with more. Many times when something cannot be explained in a complex term, then these individuals can't accept it as their own. Seriously, would you want everyone else to have something you couldn't? Of course not, which is why they explain its instincts and not telepathy.

This mystery may never be solved, but there are definitely different scenarios that could be true. Another version dates back to biblical times when the Tower of Babylon story came around. Even though the languages were brought about to migrate people, it could be the same for telepathy. Hopefully some day we'll get a definitive answer. - 31877

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Are You Holding Yourself Back?

By Eric Johnson

The Law of Attraction is a universal law based on this principle - like attracts like, and so that upon which we focus our thoughts will be manifested in our lives. The Law of Attraction is similar to the Law of Gravity in that it equally affects everything in our universe with its simple truth - what you think about you bring about, whether conscious or unconscious, positive or negative. Our challenge is to tap into the universal flow of abundance by focusing our own thoughts, words, and action on what we want in accordance with this law.

Energy is everywhere. Energy is found in all aspects of life and space - plants, animals, soil, air, and water. It is also found in less tangible aspects of life such as emotions and beliefs. This is a universal truth of energy. Energy creates vibrations. According to the Law of Attraction, we create our reality based on the vibrations of our energy. Positive energy vibrations bring about positive results while negative energy vibrations bring about negative results.

Increase Positive Vibration

The first step to making the Law of Attraction work for us is to create positive vibrations within ourselves. Our personal energy and vibrations are increased with a centered mindset and by having optimistic feelings. Once our personal energy is constructed with purpose, we attract more positive energy into our lives. In the Law of Attraction, opposites do not attract. The Law of Attraction equation dictates that positive attracts positive while negative attracts negative. When we are in tune with the positive energy flowing through us and we pull toward us the good things we desire. The goal then becomes to be in the same vibrational wavelength as the things we want to bring into our lives. This is how the Law of Attraction brings about the good things we want based on our similar vibrations.

Choose Abundance

As you study the Law of Attraction and begin to state your desires, you may notice that you what you desire sets off alarm bells in you. For example, many people who desire money simultaneously fear receiving too much money. Having "too much" money is a common limiting belief that every day keeps people from receiving their wealth. It is impossible to truly focus on your goals with one foot planted in desire and the other in fear - you must let one side go to be fully focused and create your desired outcome. Remember you are not a victim of circumstance and that you can always choose your reaction to every external event. Your only job now is to focus positively and with full force on every one of your desires. Take control of your focus and you free yourself.

Abundance is unlimited. There is always enough, and always will be enough, for people who want abundance and are in vibrational harmony with it. At this time lots of people are in vibrational harmony with lack, and that is what is manifesting on the global level. The problem is not that the universe has run out of abundance; it's that many people are not in harmony with abundance.

Decide and Trust

To manifest what you want you first have to decide what it is that you really want. Allow yourself to discover what really feels good to you, regardless of the price. What are you looking for? What do you really desire? Don't worry about not having enough money for what you want; you can always bring forth the money for what you want.

Think of it this way. Once you know what you want you can go to the store to look for what you want, knowing that you have enough money for it. Or, you can try to get as much money as you can and then trying to figure out what you want. The Law of Attraction says that once you know what you want, you can get it. So the first task is to decide what you really want and feel good about it. You will have enough money for it.

Enjoy the Moment

The future will come soon enough and the past is too far gone to worry about. Be mindful now. Be present now. Be present in each and every moment of your life. Do what makes you happy and what makes you feel fulfilled. Don't congest your mind with concerns about the presence or absence of money. Success and happiness come from recognizing the blessings in life and appreciating them while you are in the moment. - 31877

We All Just Want To Be Happy

By Jamie Brown

This day in age, people are turning to religion in droves. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism has imbedded it's ideology in the hearts and minds of millions globally. While all these religions deserve respect and tolerance, few in the west have a grasp on the complicated concept of Buddhism.

The end all and be all of online encyclopedias, Wikipedia grabs the first slot on a Google search for the term Buddhism and the breakdown reads like this: "Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pali/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.

He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering, achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhism is traditionally conceived as a path of liberation attained through insight into the ultimate nature of reality. Two major branches of Buddhism are recognized: Theravada ("The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle"). Theravada, the oldest surviving branch, has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana is found throughout East Asia and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shingon, Tendai and Shinnyo-en. In some classifications, a third branch, Vajrayana, is recognized, although many see this as an offshoot of the Mahayana. While Buddhism remains most popular within Asia, both branches are now found throughout the world.

Various sources put the number of Buddhists in the world at between 230 million and 500 million." After living abroad in Asia for several years I have found that Buddhist cultures are more tolerant because the focus is on the 'self' and the meditation on the calming of the mind, concentrating on controlled breathing and the idea that meditation to bring one closer to peace is central to discovering one's self.

If you have the opportunity to investigate the practice of Buddhism, I would highly recommend it. I'm not saying to take up the path and convert to a religion but the calming affect that is central to this religions concept will bring a peaceful serenity to your life that you may find useful. All in all respect and tolerance for all religious perspectives is something that people are beginning to make a conscious effort to practice and understanding ideas from various religions can teach us an appreciation that can bring us all closer together. - 31877

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Dating Experience: Choosing the Alternative Way

By Mary Ann Tordecilla

What is better in today's dating experience is that you have all the time, availability and even versatility to look for tips and tactics on how you will be able to find that perfect one for you. Before, dating can be so problematic and to add very frustrating. But fortunately, there are tips you can do and note to resolve this kind of problem:

Go and hang out on places where singles love to go. You can try out singles bar for a start. What is great here is that everyone is there with the same goal in mind. So do not hesitate to talk to someone you have eyed on. Everyone is looking forward to catching a date there so just be casual and straightforward.

Ever tried out speed dating? If not this is a must-try. There are many relationships these days that were paired up with this speed dating service. In addition, it can be a lot of fun too. Daters are seated opposite each other and they are given some few minutes to share something that they think can be helpful to their date to like them. Once the bell rings, the dates are then rotated. And the steps repeats until all dates are able to talk to each other in pairs. The catch here is that you are both given a paper to score each person you meet in speed dating. And at the end of the day, you are able to decide who the best date you had during that night is.

Online dating is also getting very popular. If you are shy in person and would like to practice your confidence, then online dating is perfect for you. You are able to chat online and also date online. You are also given some privacy and if you think your online date is perfect for you then it is now time to decide if you both will take your online dating experience to the next level.

Believe it or not, there are dating agencies that helps individuals find their perfect match. These agencies are used mostly by professionals who do not have the luxury of time to date someone or even find a date. This may be very uncommon but it works well for most since there is a filtering and matchmaking process involved here also. There are videos of possible dates that were shown to their clients and if they like that person that it is a go for a first date.

Also, there are communities that are composed of singles group. If you are looking for such community, joining in these kinds of groups may help. These groups have also activities for singles such as bowling, night outs, dancing, etc. What is even better here is that the importance is put on the activity itself and not on romantic ideas so it will take time for singles here to like each other naturally and in a not so set-up kind of way for two people to develop feelings to each other. - 31877

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Are Your Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?

By Eric Johnson

Beliefs that we hold in our conscious or unconscious minds can limit our success and happiness. We can free ourselves from these beliefs through energy techniques such as Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), but we have to know what they are before we can let them go.

Being aware of your situation and what you are feeling is a first step toward identifying your limiting beliefs. Ask yourself how you are feeling, what is going on inside. Check in with yourself to see if any memories are coming up. Is something not feeling good? Identify your level of pain on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being wonderful. Think about what it is that is stopping you from being at 10. Maybe you're feeling something in your body; maybe you're remembering a fight with your mother. Whatever it is, when you put your finger on it you can clear the negative emotion that is getting in your way.

Many people get a physical sensation when they experience their limiting beliefs. The feelings can provide an opportunity to clear the negative beliefs without knowing exactly what they are. Here's an analogy: If you are taking out the garbage you can rid your home of the trash without opening the bags and identifying exactly what is in each bag. Like this trash, sometimes we can rid ourselves of our limiting beliefs without knowing precisely what they are and where they came from.

Sometimes, though, you must root through all your limiting beliefs to thoroughly rid yourself of them. How deep and detailed you need to go depends on your individual circumstances.

Beliefs about Money and Self

Money and self are two major areas of beliefs that limit many people. Folks sabotage their abundance with thoughts that money is the root of evil or that rich people are greedy. Most of us have as much money as we believe we should have. What would happen, you might ask, if you had money that goes beyond what you currently believe you should have?

It's similar with limiting beliefs about ourselves. We tell ourselves that we are not worthy, not deserving, not good enough. And so, when we have opportunities to go beyond our limits, we stop ourselves because we don't believe we deserve the abundance. We may not be aware that we are making decisions that limit our wealth and happiness, because these may be unconscious beliefs.

Clearing Limiting Beliefs

When people clear themselves of their limiting beliefs they are able to make the shifts needed to succeed, to stop the self-sabotage. How do you know if you have cleared limiting beliefs? You may notice shifts-- you feel better about your finances or yourself or whatever it is you are working on. You may experience things going better for you; maybe more money is coming in or you're more successful in other ways.

Once you are aware of these beliefs you can start to peel them back in layers, like you're peeling an onion. At times you may need to clear one issue at a time; at other times you may experience a breakthrough on one issue that causes a clearing of lots of limiting beliefs.

Identifying your limiting beliefs and letting them go will move you closer to having a prosperous and abundant life, a life lived at 10. - 31877

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Buying a New Mattress is Like Taking Vitamins

By Vladmir Skillet

Everyday technology is getting better in almost every industry. The mass majority of people are constantly buying the newest gadgets, phones, HD televisions and cars; yet many people forget just how important a quality mattress can effect your health and add benefit to your life.

As we continue to become busier in our everyday lives, sleep seems to have become the new sex, the thing everyone wants more of but isn't getting enough. Sleep experts agree that most adult humans function best on 8.5 hours of sleep per night, while the average actual sleep habits are slightly less than 6.8 hours. Common reasons for this include not being able to fall asleep, restless sleeping throughout the night, and lack of time in a day. The whole story is not in quantity, but rather in quality.

Everywhere you look, there are energy drinks and cognitive enhancement products gearing up to help you remain alert. Sealy, the mattress manufacturer has started a new campaign with the motto "a better 6" with the intent that people will be more rested with their less than optimum sleep habits. In many ways, they are on the right track and yet there is a tendency for the mass majority to purchase other luxury items like new cars, cell phones, and televisions before replacing a worn out bed.

It can be a large chunk of money to have to dish out when the time comes and many people do not prepare for the cost as they would with other products. But, this should not be and excuse as there are many mattress stores around the country that offer monthly plans to help you get into a comfortable bed.

Stress has become a nation wide problem and a great deal of this has to do with the lack of sleep the average American is getting. Sleep is a significant provider of stress reduction and will also assist in memory recollection, cognitive skills, digestion assistance (increase in metabolism), as well as boost to ones immune system. The last few decades have provided us with the technology to study sleep more efficiently, and thus we have come to understand it a lot better. Essentially, sleep is comprised of 5 sleep stages, ranging from light sleep, to heavy sleep and lastly REM, or rapid eye-movement. REM sleep is strongly associated with memory function and is considered the most essential part of sleep. However, REM is the last stage in the sleep cycle. The sleep cycle -going through stages 1-5- takes on average about 90 minutes for the first time through. As the night progresses, REM is reached more rapidly throughout the course of the night.

Getting enough sleep really includes the need to get a suitable amount of REM which is directly proportional to the amount of restfulness you are experiencing in your sleep. Should you be waking up with a sore back in the night, or trying to find a comfortable position, you are interrupting your ability to hit REM more rapidly, thus decreasing the quality of your sleep!

Do yourself a favor and invest in your health. Buying a new mattress might cost a couple of thousand dollars, but you will never find a better buy to increase the quality of life. - 31877

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Advice to Find the Best Photo Boxes

By Linda Baines

Times have changed very much in recent years, especially in the world of photography. No longer do we take pictures with film, and storing these images in photo boxes should be something that everyone does to maintain the integrity of these older images.

The days of paying for film to be developed and buying cartridges for our cameras are over. Times have changed, and costs have gone down, making it much easier to snap as many new photos as we please.

Older pictures are something that future generations won't be able to identify with. These will be worth more as time goes by, especially those taken with film.

The best way to preserve the quality of pictures like these is by storing them inside photograph boxes. Not only will they be easy to access, but the aura surrounding them will be enhanced through the presence of such a great accessory. Let's look at a few of the things to keep in mind when buying one.

For starters, if you're buying photograph boxes, you should look for one with strong corners that can withstand any pressure put on them. Most people end up having more than one box, and one with weak corners can easily end up bending and creasing.

This next piece of advice has to do with keeping the quality of your older pictures high, without seeing them turn orange due to acid exposure. Some picture boxes will be lined with acid, and you should avoid these at all costs. The acid will slowly rub onto your images, altering their composition.

As far as styles go, you'll have plenty to choose from. There are leather, metal, and many other materials that could be right for your needs.

With many styles available, you should have no problem finding photo boxes that wonderfully complement the pictures that will go inside. - 31877

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The Reality Of The Cosmic Ordering Service

By Gina Daad

The thought of being able to order anything you want from the universe and actually getting it, is something more and more people are thinking about. Quite understandable really when one considers the sharp increase in the amount of publicity cosmic ordering has enjoyed recently.

It seems that everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon now that so many celebrities are vouching for it. The question remains though, what are your chances of success as an average person?

In fact theoretically it works for everyone, but people who have not been successful do not realize that they are subconsciously sabotaging their cosmic order. You see whatever you think will happen really does happen!

Everyone has the right and the opportunity to use the cosmic ordering service. The system brings whatever you desire. Some may say, I didn't desire to be ill, to be penniless or unhappy and they are right.

The problem is not the cosmic ordering service, but rather the way you channel your desires. Avoid saying things such as; I really don't want to get ill. This is a negative manner in which to seek your desires.

Change that desire around and say I am wealthy in both material wealth, health and happiness. The Universe totally understands the focus of this desire. You emphasize what you want not what you don't want.

Perhaps you have failed here as well and if so, you're not alone. Many people who attempt this, tend to affirm how they are at present, instead of how they could be with a little help from the universe. When you make affirmations, think to the future and how perfect it can be, rather than dwell on the imperfect present moment.

As we embark on our journey through life, our beliefs are often influenced by other people as well as different experiences. When we first started out in this life, we believed in ourselves and that all things were possible and now, we need to believe like that once more.

When children ask us for things, we often reprimand them, saying it's bad to always ask. If they receive a lot of goods, we tell them it's bad and that they are being spoilt. The truth is though; children should be brought up believing they can have everything they want because they deserve it.

Of course, it would be wrong to think you can simply take from others, but on the other hand, it is absolutely correct to believe you can have anything you want. After all, there is enough to go around.

If you believe there's not enough and you have to covet and take the riches of others in order to get what you want, then you reinforce the belief that others have more and you have nothing. Instead, be happy for others and know that there's enough wealth that you don't have to take from another person to have part of it.

The human brain can move a quark, the smallest particle we know of, simply by sending out waves of energy. This is not theory, but rather a fact which has been proven by modern science. Positive thinking releases positive energy and positive energy, gets positive results.

The most difficult aspect of this entire process is to free ourselves from all those entrenched beliefs. All those negative beliefs which are so firmly embedded in our memories have to be cleared away, and in order to achieve that, you'll have to use every single tool available.

Fret not because there are indeed some very powerful tools at our disposal. Subliminal suggestion and self-hypnosis are just two of them but indeed, both are extremely powerful, as both target our subconscious minds, the area of our minds on which we need to focus. Through gaining access to this region of our minds, we are able to systematically wipe away those thoughts which are currently denying us the benefit of the cosmic ordering service.

You need to believe that the cosmic ordering service can and does work, and you need to believe that as a human being, you can control your future and determine your own happy destiny. - 31877

About the Author:

The Reality Of The Cosmic Ordering Service

By Gina Daad

Thanks to a recent spike in publicity, the last few years have seen an ever growing number of people showing an interest in the cosmic ordering service. Additionally, many are now realizing the potential benefits.

With many celebrity endorsements, now it seems everyone wants a piece of the action. But does it only work for celebrities? What chance does the average person have of successfully using the cosmic ordering service?

The fact of the matter is it can work for everyone. However, if you have tried and not had any success then you should look deeper. The chances are you were subconsciously preventing yourself from obtaining the things you desire.

The cosmic ordering service allows you to have anything you desire. This is of course something with which some people disagree, saying they have never had the desire to be ill or to become seriously injured for example and yes, they are absolutely right.

In order to understand this, we need to grasp the fact that the universe only understands positives. If for example, you say you have no desire to be ill; this is interpreted as negative, as you have directed the focus on bad health.

Change that desire around and say I am wealthy in both material wealth, health and happiness. The Universe totally understands the focus of this desire. You emphasize what you want not what you don't want.

This is the area that many fail when they make affirmations or attempt to think positive. They see themselves as they are, not as they could be, and reaffirm their station in life instead of affirming the spot they should be and believing they are already received their cosmic order.

Life brings to us the belief systems of others. The kids in the third grade that teased you because you were fat, skinny, had glasses or didn't wear the best clothes changed the belief that you have for yourself.

When children ask us for things, we often reprimand them, saying it's bad to always ask. If they receive a lot of goods, we tell them it's bad and that they are being spoilt. The truth is though; children should be brought up believing they can have everything they want because they deserve it.

Of course, it would be wrong to think you can simply take from others, but on the other hand, it is absolutely correct to believe you can have anything you want. After all, there is enough to go around.

If you believe there's not enough and you have to covet and take the riches of others in order to get what you want, then you reinforce the belief that others have more and you have nothing. Instead, be happy for others and know that there's enough wealth that you don't have to take from another person to have part of it.

The human brain can move a quark, the smallest particle we know of, simply by sending out waves of energy. This is not theory, but rather a fact which has been proven by modern science. Positive thinking releases positive energy and positive energy, gets positive results.

The most difficult aspect of this entire process is to free ourselves from all those entrenched beliefs. All those negative beliefs which are so firmly embedded in our memories have to be cleared away, and in order to achieve that, you'll have to use every single tool available.

These tools, like self-hypnosis, binaural frequency waves and subliminal suggestion and affirmations, shoot past the logical portion of the mind into the belief portion, the subconscious. The help to clear away the old beliefs that stop you from using the cosmic ordering system to get everything that you want.

You can control your destiny by ordering exactly what you want. You have to be strong enough to believe that you'll get it. Use techniques that help you reinforce your belief that the cosmic ordering system gives you everything you desire. - 31877

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