Chakra Clearing And Cleansing- A Recipe For Success!

By Jai Dahalli

In the modern world it is very important to keep on reinventing yourself to ensure that you can achieve desired success, equally important is to refresh the energy and desire in you so that you can push yourself to do your best.

There are various other determinants of uninterrupted growth which include the body strength as well as the mental makeup and the passion within the heart of an individual. A fairly crucial part is played by centres of spiritual energy in your body as they help in development of the persona of an individual.

These points in your body help you to channelize your inner strengths into actual performance to help you attain the results you want. But even your inner strength can form rust if there is no regular development or timely refreshment and clearing chakras is a process that renovates your energies to bring out a new you.

Since each chakra in our body has relevance with various aspects we need to understand and ensure that all of them are paid adequate attention, the seven chakras in your body lie between the bottom of your spine and the head.

While you are clearing the chakras you get away the negativity from the body and bring in positive energy, stabilizing it in the body.

The various moves made by your body have different effects in the flow of energy, while positive energies come in on the occurrence of clockwise movements while anti-clockwise movements are required to eliminate the negativity.

On most occasions people can feel pain at various points however it should not be concerning as it only proves that energy flows in and out.

The chakras collect the energy from the heavenly structures and they use it for the apt functioning of the human skills and abilities.

Once your chakras are cleared you will find a newer self in front of you, while many practise this on a regular basis, the intervals do vary as per the need and intent of individuals.

It is often seen that once you have performed the act of clearing chakras, your response to situations not only becomes quicker and wiser but you also tend to come up better options and ideas. You will realise that people would come in contact with a new dimension of your nature and character.

At the beginning you can start off with concentrating on the chakras individually and also see that each chakra is correctly exercised in order to enjoy make the most of the talent and skills you have. Once you have cleared your chakras you would feel that the mind is at ease and the experience is also quite relaxing.

Once you are parts of your body that relate to a particular chakra are understood you just need to use your feeling sensation to find the part which has a problem and work out on the corresponding chakra.

You require to be fit mentally as well as physically in order to survive in the prevailing competition, also you have to ensure that all your energies are channelized in the rights direction as if not adequate ratios are maintained in exchange of energies and certain chakras are not given the attention they deserve, the overall performance may be affected.

The spiritual energy has a potential role to play in the success of an individual in all fields and that has been realised by people practising this art. Also efforts are being made to understand the science of chakras in a better way.

The chakras if implemented correctly would get you glory, fame and name and all things you have desired. It brings your life oozes of fresh energy. - 31877

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The Power Of Subconscious Mind And The Universe

By Kevin J Lockwood

Let's face it; the human mind is more than likely one of the most powerful things in all creation and as such, one shouldn't ever under estimate the power of the subconscious mind. Irrespective of what you do or what you say, it all comes from your mind, and in certain circumstances, your actions take place on a conscious level.

If for example you wish to change from one channel to the next on your television, then once you have thought about it, you actually go ahead and do it. On the other hand, how many times have you reached for the remote control and switched channels without even thinking about it? Have you ever wondered why you did what you did? My guess is that you never, simply because when you reached for that remote and you switched channels, it was essentially your subconscious mind telling you to do so.

The question you need to be asking yourself is how and why these actions occur. Of course, there may have been a commercial on TV which you particularly don't like, and as a result, your subconscious mind took over and told you to change channels. Yes, it's amazing, but you need to bear in mind that your subconscious mind can have a tremendous impact on the way you act and the way in which you behave. As such, it cannot be stressed enough as to just how important it is to train yourself to be able to control and manipulate the power of your subconscious mind. You can be rest assured that if you do, you will be able to experience a significant improvement in the overall quality of your life.

What many people don't realize is the fact that the power of the conscious mind is so vast that it's almost unimaginable, and that providing you can learn how to harvest that power, you can live your life to the fullest. So often we are told that our subconscious mind is full of evils and darkness, and while it may be beneficial to understand the darker side of psychology, focusing entirely on negative aspects should be avoided altogether.

For this reason, it is essential to focus on the positive aspects rather than the negative ones, because in so doing, you'll be able to take the best possible approach with regards to using the subconscious mind as a tool for improving the quality of your life. You can also be rest assured that rather than being a complex process, gaining control over your subconscious mind is instead a series of simple processes. By gaining control over the power of your subconscious mind, you'll be opening a door to a world of unlimited opportunities.

In all likelihood, affirmations are probably the easiest way for you to gain control over your subconscious mind. As you may already know, affirmations is a method people use in order to remind themselves about certain aspects of their life so that it is possible for them to reach their goals.

If for example you found yourself in a situation where you were required to complete a task for which you believed you were not ready, you would more than likely experience a feeling of fatigue. This is essentially the way your body responds to a stressful scenario, but unfortunately it can leave you feeling drained and without energy. By using affirmations, it is possible for a person to overcome this condition which in turn would allow them to complete the task as it should ideally be completed.

In other words, you need to constantly remind yourself (affirmation) just how capable you are of doing the task, and how much you will benefit from it. You could even stand in front of the mirror and affirm that nobody is more capable of completing the task than you are. You need to convince yourself that you are in fact so capable, that by that time you've finished the task it will be almost unbelievable.

Affirmations can of course help you in more ways than one. In fact, if you've never been successful at giving up a smoking, then affirmations can help you do just that. Affirmations, either spoken or written, allow you to gain access to the power of your subconscious mind.

Of course affirmation is not the only way to gain control over the power of the subconscious mind. In fact, post hypnotic suggestion has also proven to be successful and as such, it is a method which is often used. Post hypnotic suggestion can be done either by self hypnosis or by using the services of a qualified hypnotherapist. Those who choose to do it by means of self hypnosis will more often than not make use of various hypnosis audio recordings.

While both of the above mentioned methods are known to be highly effective, there is however another process which is still relatively new, and this involves synchronizing the brain waves of the two hemispheres in the brain. This process, known as binaural beats, employs the use of different sound frequencies played into each ear through a set of headphones. The frequencies used are only slightly different from each other but it is sufficient enough to result in an almost instantaneous meditative state of mind. Of course, it is this state of mind which is ideal in terms of allowing the conscious mind to communicate with the subconscious mind.

Interestingly enough, Buddhist monks have for centuries shown us, and told us, that this can be taken a lot further than what has been described in this article. In fact, there have been instances where monks have had such phenomenal control over their subconscious minds that they've managed to carry out what could be described as being supernatural feats, such as levitation for example.

Books such as 'The Secret' have tried hard to explain this phenomenon scientifically, and as such, it is now known as 'The Law of Attraction'. Before you become tempted to try and discredit this, you should bear in mind that it is something which has been proved scientifically. Scientific experiments have proven that the law of attraction allows a person to manifest what they want, providing they can communicate with the subconscious mind successfully.

Admittedly, this may sound a bit far fetched, but thanks to advances in quantum physics, it has been possible to prove that many of the ancient religions have been right all along in saying that the reality we live in is simply a product of the human mind. Even mysteries such as psychic capabilities, has been explained in scientific terms thanks to advances in quantum physics.

The bottom line is; your subconscious mind is far bigger and more powerful than what you can never imagine, and that is why you should never overlook the importance of being able to control it. Over and above being able to change the way you act and behave, you'll also be able to use your subconscious mind in order to discover a life full of riches. - 31877

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Detoxify Your Life And Live Happy

By Trevor Johnson

Many of us get bogged down with negative thoughts and stress, which lead to further problems in our lives. With these simple steps you can learn how to detoxify your mind and learn to live a positive and happy life.

Reduce your stress by starting your day with a series of yoga stretches. This will invigorate you and put you in a good frame of mind. By getting your body moving you will also release happy hormones known as endorphins into your system.

The next step is to change your mind set. At the beginning of every day, whether it is while you are in the shower or driving to work, make a mental list of the things that you are thankful for in your life. No matter how glum you are, there are always several things that you can genuinely appreciate as positives in your life. By focusing on them you are inviting other positive things to happen throughout your day.

Another way how to detoxify your mind is to set achievable goals and make a plan to get to them. If you break your goal down into bite size chunks it makes it much more doable, Every time you reach a milestone on your way to achieving your goal give yourself a little treat to celebrate your success.

A lot of our stress and unhappiness are down to negative relations with others by learning how to detoxify your mind you can reverse the negativity. Realise that you cannot control your partner or work colleagues. Your husband will probably never notice your new hair cut, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Set out to make your interactions positive and you will be surprised how great you feel. Smile and have a quick chat with the shop keeper or gas station attendant; bring your work colleague coffee or make your husband's favorite meal. Doing little positive things for others will not only make you happier, but you are inviting positive things to happen in your life.

By changing the way you think about things, your routine and including little acts of kindness in your day you can detox your mind and live a happier life. Your stress will be lower and you will find that more and more positive things begin happening to you every day. - 31877

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Learn How Boarding High Schools Can Help Your Child

By April Johnson

More and more parents are sending the children to boarding high schools, as the aim to best prepare them for life at college, university and beyond. With higher average grades, and a better focus on education too, it is not surprising there is such a shift.

Not only do boarding high schools prepare the ground for university life however, such is the application and commitment that is given and asked for in such an environment, the way they respond to education is likely to be increased exponentially.

Holistically too they exceed, as friendships are formed that will last long after boarding high schools have been attended. That these associations will be there to be called upon as they journey through life is also a bonus.

However, it is important that you select the right school for your child; and there are a breadth of these to choose from. Many boarding high schools focus on particular areas of study, whilst others are geared towards to the arts, and aim to allow your child to reach their full potential in the chosen discipline.

There are also schools that aim to help ill disciplined children, and those with deeper routed behavioral conditions. Special needs schools are also available, where appropriate care can be given to those suffering with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome and other learning difficulties.

Before deciding upon which school to send your child to, it is important to understand the history of the school, to ensure it will present the right learning environment for your child to excel.

You should also make some time to speak with the head, and the faculty heads to ensure that they will be seeking the same aims and goals as you wish your child to reach for. The philosophy of the school will also be important of course, and where they are looking for the ongoing development of the institution.

Such questions need to be raised, as boarding high schools tend to be privately run institutions, and as such do not have to conform to any standards in education. However, being privately funded, they do have access to superior facilities; both in learning, vocational studies and sporting excellence.

With studies showing that these boarding high schools are well above average in exam scores, it is likely this will not be a concern; but it is always worth checking the last five years; just to make sure they're still performing. - 31877

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Why Boarding High Schools Can Help Your Child

By April Johnson

An increasing number of parents are electing to send their teenagers to boarding high schools nowadays, as they wish to give them the best start possible. An excellent preparation for life at university, and life in general, it is not hard to understand why.

It is not only in preparing children for study where these schools are beneficial however. Because of the dedication and all round development process they give, a child's respect for education is enhanced and taken away.

Lasting friendships too are often formed at boarding high schools, having been created in such a close knit and supportive environment. But more than this, whilst pupils will go to different universities, the contacts and networks created through this period will stay with them for a lifetime.

It is important however, the right school is selected of course. This is not as easy as it may first appear however; such is the number and range available. A number of boarding high schools have a particular focus on certain areas of study, or have a drive towards sporting pursuits, and others are tailored for study in the arts.

There are also a significant number of schools that can help poorly behaved children and those that suffer certain medical conditions. With these schools, whilst there is an obvious emphasis on care, their especially tailored lessons will allow the very best environment to eke out a child's potential and help them become a valued member of society.

Such is the wide variety of schools to choose from, it is necessary to ask questions and fully understand the answers and what they mean. For example, try and discover the history of the school, and what has made it the institution it is today.

You should also make some time to speak with the head, and the faculty heads to ensure that they will be seeking the same aims and goals as you wish your child to reach for. The philosophy of the school will also be important of course, and where they are looking for the ongoing development of the institution.

Such questions need to be raised, as boarding high schools tend to be privately run institutions, and as such do not have to conform to any standards in education. However, being privately funded, they do have access to superior facilities; both in learning, vocational studies and sporting excellence.

With studies showing that these boarding high schools are well above average in exam scores, it is likely this will not be a concern; but it is always worth checking the last five years; just to make sure they're still performing. - 31877

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Why Wind Energy Outshines other Alternative Fuels

By Dale Green

Wind has a definite advantage over many other types of energy - abundance. Renewable, unlike fossil fuels, they will guarantee our future generations that their source of power will never be threatened, become sparse or disappear.

The era of gas shortages and the volatile fossil fuel prices will not soon be forgotten but with wind power, we have the option of not repeating this crisis. There will always be competition in the marketplace but there won't be any more shaky economies driving the prices of heating fuel higher or dramatically changing in price as OPEC decides not to release extra barrels of oil. We have lived in fear for too long and it's time to take control.

Wind power is slowly being introduced in many areas around the world. In fact, there are lots of developers who are now winning wind energy bids against fossil fuels. This is because the costs of putting up wind energy equipment is not that high and once the equipment is laid, the cost will be maintained on its low level.

Having wind energy as the source of fuel and power, people will be able to breathe easily because of economic freedom and environmental safety. The operation of wind power will never contribute pollutants to the environment ,which causes air contamination that affects the health of most people all over the world. The air we breathe will be as clean as it was from the beginning.

A variety of applications available through wind power continue to grow. Powering homes, businesses and farms, wind can also provide energy to remote areas, pump water and power telecommunication sites. In just a few years, there will be no excuse for anyone in the world to be without needed power.

Those conventional plants operated by the use of fossil and nuclear fuels needed more water to cool down the plants. But with the wind turbine, water will never run out but will be used by people for their needs and purposes.

Now that wind power is being operated in the rural areas, the urban areas are also benefitting from this because some utility grids are now operating in many regions, giving the urban areas their supply of energy at affordable prices. None of them were harmed by the rotating turbines.

More than anything else, people accept the wind power from the turbines not only because the energy is environmental and not harmful to them, but also because this operation is far less expensive than their present utility connections. Simple life, cost effective fuels, and well-defined living are what most people can get from wind generation. Using the ever present wind energy to provide all these should be the priority in technology development today. This will be for the coming generations and for a cleaner and safer environment for all of us. - 31877

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Past Life Regression - Were You A Celebrity In A Previous Life?

By Richard Frown

Its an interest of many individuals with a desire to learn of their past lives. Many religions worldwide strongly believe in the existence of ones past life. Most people are curious and want to learn about their past lives and a fact that you can change your present life for the better by using past life experiences positively.

What is the lure to most people to want to explore their past lives? The nature of it is intriguing. Perhaps just remembering our past lives is like being in a science fiction movie. Strange, unusual. However, the thing to consider are the benefits to our present life using Past Life Regression.

Past Life Regression, according to research done, has had good results in treating individuals suffering emotional problems. There are no doubts, you can make positive changes in your present life when remembering bad experiences of a past life.

To learn of your past lives requires an individual (hypnotist) specializing in hypnosis of Past Life Regression. You can also use self-hypnosis and other things that will be useful to you. To help you, use simple affirmations. This will help prepare your subconscious mind to open and accept your past lives. It is natural and more normal for the mind block out memories of past lives.

You need to understand a few things before you go ahead and use Past Life Regression.

Our present lives and our past lives are connected. We have our past life memories, but they are buried deep within our subconscious minds and need to be brought to the surface to our conscious minds.

Just knowing of your past life does not change your life for the better. You need to know the way to put this information to use so that you may benefit from it in your present life.

You need to learn from the mistakes made by you in your previous life and to keep from making these mistake again in the present. You use this knowledge from a past life, positively, to improve your life in the present.

Even individuals who do not believe in Past Life Regression or reincarnation can still be helped to improve their present life. They may consider the memories to be of an imaginary nature and they can still use this information to avoid mistakes of past lives from happening in their present life. This is a useful tool to help better your life.

There are two other good reasons for using Past Life Regression , even if you do or do not believe in it. According to some experts these are the two main reasons:

*You can make positive changes in your present life. This would be due to Past Life Regression and your experiences with a past life memory.

*If you think your imagination was the cause of these memories, thats okay. It can still help you to positively change your life and your thoughts help to clear your mind, freeing you from anything that was holding you back.

What can you expect in benefits from Past Life Regression?

*Helps heal emotional traumas of the past that are causing havoc in our daily lives in the present.

*You will be thinking more clearly and making better decisions.

*If you have hurt someone or perpetrated some injustice against another person and suffered the consequences. You can change this. Remembering these things will help you not repeat these injustices in your present life changing how you act.

*Many of us have potential we are unaware of and Past Life Regression will help you discover all these talents and abilities that are deeply buried in your subconscious mind. This could change your life forever.

*You will begin to understand yourself better and also find out why you do the things that you do and know why you have certain characteristic and a certain personality. These will no longer be a mystery to you.

Try using Past Life Regression yourself and see how it can change your life in a positive way. You may finally discover how to change your life to the life you have always dreamt of. A better life can be yours, try it. - 31877

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Can You Benefit From Past Life Regression?

By James A Simmeon

There is no denying the fact that the belief in past life, or reincarnation, is prevalent across the board in almost every religion, from Christianity to Hinduism to Buddhism to Kabalah. And the interest of humans in knowing as much as possible about their past lives is also quite widespread. But how many of us are interested in knowing about our past lives in order to make a positive change in our present lives?

Past Life Regression is appealing to many people because they like the idea of learning who they were and what happened in their past lives. They do not realize that they can use this knowledge to change their present and future lives for the better.

Even scientists agree that using Past Life Regression can be used effectively to make changes for the best in anyone's life. You can learn from the trauma you suffered in your past life and the mistakes you made as well.

The process involves usually a hypnosis session with a Past Life Regression expert, or it can also be done via self hypnosis. There are other tools that can help.

Try simple affirmations to help you. You need your subconscious mind to accept that it is okay to remember your past lives as it is more normal for you to 'block out' these memories.

Before embarking on a Past Life Regression session, there are several things that you need to understand and accept.

Past life is a part of our present life. The memory of events from previous lives is hidden somewhere in the unconscious that just needs some external help to bring it to life.

Just the knowledge of your past life will not help you have a better life. You must know how to put this information to use in order to benefit from it in your daily life.

You will need to learn from the mistakes you made in your previous life and refrain from making them again. This is how you will use the knowledge of your past life to live a better life in the present.

You will be able to benefit from Past Life Regression whether you believe in reincarnation or not. You may think you are imagining the memories of your past live, either way you will learn from it. You can change your behavior and avoid mistakes by seeing the mistakes of the past.

There are a couple of good reasons for using Past Life Regression whether you believe in it or not. The following is the two main reasons to do this according to experts:

a) If you benefit from the lessons of such events by applying them to the present life, then these were indeed, the past life experiences.

b) It is ok if you think you imagined the events you see because it will still help you to improve your life. The thoughts you have will help clear your mind and free you from things that are holding you back.

So, what are all the benefits we are looking for by undergoing Past Life Regression?

1) It helps our present life by making us deal with the traumatic events of the past.

2) It helps in bringing about clarity of thought and decision making in our personality.

3) If you know what you have done in the past to hurt someone and suffered the consequences you will change this behavior. Remembering the past life where you have done this will make you take a second look at your present behavior.

4) You will find skills and talents you do not realize you have. You may have skills you are not aware of because you do not remember them. You can develop these talents once you know what they are and change your life forever.

5) Many questions you have about yourself will be answered. You will no longer be as confused about why you deal with life the way you do.

Past Life Regression is certainly a win-win proposition for believers and disbelievers. If you want to make a positive change in your present life, it is definitely worth trying! - 31877

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The Magic Of Telepathy

By E Lucas Cox

Telepathy can have many meanings to many people, the simply put definition is that it is being able to feel what another feels without being around them. This must be done without being able to see them, hear them, or touch them physically.

Telepathic communication is therefore communication on another level entirely. Indeed, many animal trainers and scientists researching the ways animal communicate have become convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that animals are using telepathic communications in addition to other means of reaching each other, and sometimes their telepathic communications extend over vast distances.

It is believed that many natives who have not been modernized may be able to share ideas through telepathy. This is an amazing observation in this technical day and age.

There are many common cases of telepathy, though it is still considered by some to just be witch craft or that telepathy does not exist at all. While the reality is that one can learn this ability as one learns other aspects of human life such as writing and talking to one another in a way that is comprehensible. If we have problems with these tasks, we do not say they do not exist because we can not learn them, we just adapt our learning to circumvent the block or problem that causes the learning disability.

But instead, our civilization has mostly lost the telepathic powers that are just as much part of the natural human brain and capabilities as speech, response to music, and the five senses.

Some people consider this another sense altogether. That is considered to be the sixth sense to many. It also comes in many other names depending on the era and region. It is now basically considered an instinct.

Intuition is a form of telepathy. You know that feeling that someone is watching your or the hair on your arms starts to tingle? That is telepathy in its purest form. Most of the time when you have these feelings, you are correct in your assessment. How many times have your children woken you up by just looking at you while you sleep, intuitively, even in your sleeping state you sense that someone is there and wake up.

It may be wondered by some when did we stop having more profound telepathy as opposed to intuition. More formalized religion can surely take some of the blame. Most forms of structured religious beliefs do not adhere to the fact that telepathy exists, instead it is assumed and associated with darker cultures. This gives the common man a fear of what telepathy can do that may be evil.

These religions among us have come to have such power over society that a great many people have been taught to put no faith in telepathy, but only in 'the Messiah' or 'the Savior' or 'the Prophet' rather than in their own natural abilities.

But this does beg the question, why would religions come to be so distrustful of telepathy in the first place? The answer is likely to lie in the power hunger of so many religious 'leaders' and authorities who don't want their own alleged divine powers challenged by telepaths. Of course, not every religious leader is like this, but too many are and have been throughout history.

Scientists have a basic need to be able to explain any event. Because of the elusive nature of telepathy, they do not believe it exists even though many people have had these experiences in their lives. A lot of testing has been done on known telepaths but still the scientific community as a whole has discounted these revelations. They assume there is some type of hoax involved as some of these tests have not been in controlled situations.

Yet, emotions and instincts are known and accepted to exist by scientists. So it would seem that what we have here is simple prejudice: scientists can feel emotions themselves so they have to accept them. Instincts can also be felt by humans, and instincts are needed to explain much animal behavior, so they feel compelled to accept them, too. Yet these things are as elusive as telepathy.

Could it be jealousy on the part of those scientists who cannot exercise their own telepathic abilities so don't want anyone to have them? And could it at other times be labeling a phenomenon as being the more familiar 'instinctive-ness response' when really it was telepathic in nature?

It is hard to say how we lost our original telepathic ability. It may be that with the advancement of men and technology, we lost our need to be more telepathic. - 31877

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Detoxify Your Life And Live Happy

By Trevor Johnson

Negative thoughts have a way of making everything in your life suck. Negativity is often a self-fulfilling prophecy and makes negative things happen in your life. By changing the way you think you can learn how to detoxify your mind and begin a happier and more positive existence. Follow these tips and you will feel much better about yourself and everything in your life.

Reduce your stress by starting your day with a series of yoga stretches. This will invigorate you and put you in a good frame of mind. By getting your body moving you will also release happy hormones known as endorphins into your system.

Make it a habit every morning to mentally list the positive things in your life and the things you are thankful for. Each one of us, no matter how awful things seem has some great things happening too. By focusing on the positive things you will feel much better and unconsciously invite other positives into your life too.

Another way how to detoxify your mind is to set achievable goals and make a plan to get to them. If you break your goal down into bite size chunks it makes it much more doable, Every time you reach a milestone on your way to achieving your goal give yourself a little treat to celebrate your success.

Make your interactions with others positive. Bite your tongue rather than complaining to a colleague about the traffic on the way to work or grumbling about your partner not doing the washing up. These things don't really matter in the broad scheme of things, instead greet your co-worker with a winning smile and a freshly made coffee or tell your partner that you love them. Too often negative interactions with people cause us unnecessary stress.

Just a few small changes to the way you think and interact with others can make the world of difference to your mindset. Detox your mind and kick out the negative thoughts. When you replace toxic thoughts with positive thinking and actions you will find that more wonderful and positive things happen to you. - 31877

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3 Keys to Living a Happy Life

By Fred Freddman

There are 3 immutable laws for living a happy life. You have probably heard these before. Law #1 - Discover Yourself, Law #2 - Fall in Love with Yourself, Law #3 - Be Loving to Others. As simple as this sounds lets take a look at what it really means.

#1 - You like most people might find it hard to know who you really are. For the most part, we have been taught from early times to ignore who we are and to try to be someone else. Teachers and parents only wanted the best for us, of course, but their starting point was wrong. They assumed (as they were taught) there is something wrong with each of us that needs to be fixed ... there isn't.

Truth be told, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. you are quite perfect just the way you are ... in fact more than perfect, because you are a unique expression of divine intent in this world. Otherwise why would you be here and how would you have gotten here? You need to see yourself as special and precious and celebrate what is unique about you even if others don't. Within that uniqueness you will find your special passion.

Look for your passions and you will find yourself. Most of us aren't really in touch with our passion because we have been trained not to be. But trust me, they are within you and just below the surface. The things that attract you or that make you curious are your keys. Pursue your interests, your curiosity and your attractions. Eventually you will discover who you really are.

#2 - Loving yourself is the next task. Once you know who you are, you must learn to appreciate that person just as you would your own child. There is something truly lovable about you as there is everyone. Give yourself credit for being someone worthy of your love.

In fact, what others may label as bad may be your best, bravest and most courageous qualities. After all, it takes courage to go against the accepted way of doing things. Only you can label yourself as bad and you shouldn't. Love your self like your own child because you are a child of God and you deserve that type of love.

#3 - Love Others. Never forget that essentially they are no different from you. We are ALL worthy. Of course they may not realize their own goodness or act on it all of the time. None of us do. but at core, they are just as special and worthy as you and you must see this in them or you will also fail to see it in yourself.

In fact, the people around you are really just a reflection of yourself. You are always sending out signals and attracting precisely those people and circumstances into your life that you need to learn more about who you really are. Look carefully at them because they are showing you something about yourself that you may not yet realize or appreciate.

So that's it - the three keys to a happier life. You've probably heard most of this stuff before but that doesn't make it any less true or valuable. It just means, this is one more opportunity for you to learn these fundamental truths. Live and learn that's what it's all about, so enjoy the journey! - 31877

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A Successful Future Needs A Past Regression

By Lesley Lockwood

As more people today begin to believe in reincarnation. It is hard to decide the best way to start on the journey of remembering your past lives.

A very good starting point is keeping a journal. Later on it will help you to identify patterns when you refer back to it. It is important to record all your thoughts, even over things that seem irrelevant. Because it is generally believed that emotions play a significant role in linking us to past lives, it is also important that you record yours in your journal as well. This could be anything, such as an irrational fear of heights.

To start with you should begin your journal by describing yourself thoroughly. Write about your likes and your dislikes. Describe what food you enjoy, what phobias (if any) that you have. If you find that you feel a particular affinity with a time period in history, or with a certain culture or even climate, write about that as well. Do not forget to write about what your talents are, and what you enjoy doing. Even writing about animals that you feel drawn to, or perhaps afraid of, can prove useful. Describe your personality and if you experience things like deja vu. If you do, record your experiences when you have them.

Your dreams also give clues in your past life. But keep in mind your dreams contain things from your present life as well but write it down anyway.

Past life regression might be the way to go.

Past lif regression involves hypnosis and can, in some cases, be achieved without the assistance of a professional. However seeing a professional and trained past life regression therapist can be very beneficial for those who cannot do self-hypnosis. The therapist will guide the client through the regression and then, with your help, interpret the information gleaned during the regression.

Many people choose meditation as their preferred method.

When meditating there is usually no professional assisting and so many people find it difficult to trust the information they get during their sessions. But trusting your feelings as well as your instincts is necessary with meditation.

While meditation may feel like daydreaming to you, something of importance may come through as images start to flow through. Your journal maybe of help here too.

A lot of people find that listening to music while they meditate is all they need to be able to relax and focus their minds. Alternatively, you might prefer to listen to the soothing and calming sound of water, or the helpful guided meditation audios that are available today. Lighting a pleasant smelling incense or burning some scented candles can help you to relax as well. Whatever you choose to help, it is important that you are completely relaxed and focused. If none of these do the trick then you might want to try something else.

Binaural Beats

With Binaural Beats you listen to different frequencies in each ear that help you to attain the same meditative state that Zen monks can reach. You should choose somewhere quiet and free from any kind of distractions and disturbances. Somewhere that enables you to sit or lie down comfortably.

It is important that you are relaxed and that you are not distracted by thoughts about everyday things. Simply acknowledge the thought so that it does not keep recurring, and so that you do not forget it, then put it out of your mind. Remember that meditation does not just happen, it takes practice before you will reach a true meditative state.

This technique maybe of help in resolving issues in your current life. Some people have found that sometimes the people in their current life they have shared with a life with them before. In this way, you can do some research to verify the information received.

Reincarnation is a belief held by many of the world's religions. Some believe that we experience the consequences of that which we did in our past life or lives, whether good or not, in our current life. It is called Karma and is not that different from regression, in that once you have discovered information about your past life it can help you when faced with issues in your present life. It is all about learning from our mistakes in the past, and that can only enhance and enrich your current life experience.

As with many things it is important that you keep an open mind about what you discover. You need to be able to accept the information you receive about your past life, because that will enable you to not only learn from past mistakes, but also afford you the opportunity to correct them in your current life, making it better than the previous one.

Many experts in these area feel that has very positive impacts on your life now due to fore mentioned, learning from the past and if you still don't accept past lives your subconscious may free a block in your mind that has had a negative effect on your body. There are other benefits from having done a past life regression.

Practically speaking, past life regression enables you to identify those things you did in a past life that resulted in negative consequences and not repeat those same mistakes. It is important for the well-being of your present life that you address the issues from the previous ones.

Being able to see what you were or like in the past may help you see a hidden talent that was just waiting to be brought to the front and so help you live a richer, fuller life now. This will also help you have a much better understanding of yourself. If something about yourself that was a mystery before like say singing, maybe you were a professional singer in a past life. And so that talent is coming out even if no one else in your family can hold a tune.

In short, because regression can give you the opportunity to understand yourself better and so make better choices, it is a process that is worth more investigation. - 31877

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Understanding Remote Viewing

By J Lucas Cox

Many more people are beginning to find out how to remote view. Some individuals consider it much like their own personal time machine. However, remote viewing is a psychic ability, one that permits you to see future events. These are events, which you would never be able to see all by yourself without training.

However, for some individuals they have the ability of remote viewing and can perfectly describe a place or object that is in another area than where they happen to be now. In some ways, remote viewing is similar to the use of dowsing rods. Dowsing rods search for something as does the individual who is remote viewing.

The person who is experimenting with remote viewing is generally not limited to the current state of time. They can travel into the past or into the future in order to find the information they are seeking out. This has also been linked to astral travel when people have tried to compare it to something that people are more familiar with. The thing about this ability is that it has been said that just about anyone can remote view. You do not have to have some sort of unexplained psychic ability to take advantage of this skill or gift.

It is said that people who have experienced dj vu are tapping into this exact ability. Of course, there are going to be some people who are better at it than others. For some this ability of remote viewing can come about with very little practice while it can take years of dedicated practice for other people to be able to conquer it.

For instance, there are those parents who know without a doubt that their child is in danger although they may not be in the same area; this is the ability to naturally remote view. Another example of remote viewing is that individual who already knows of a death in the family before anyone else does, simply because they feel it or see it in their minds eye.

There are two ways to succeed in remote viewing. Some individuals have the ability to leave their body in spirit and then travel to a different location or place in time to observe something they wish to see. Others have the ability to simple see an object or place in their minds eye. When you are a remote viewer, you control your destination and have the ability to return to your beginning location or state.

Now that you know there is absolutely no reason to be scared, you can start to learn just how exactly you can get involved with remote viewing. The first thing you will want to do is to find yourself a quiet location that is free from distractions. Completely relax your body and begin to envision another room in your house or somewhere that is next to where you are. Think about yourself in different settings from your past. Go back a couple years at a time and really feel yourself there.

Once you feel comfortable with that, you can begin using remote viewing to travel into the future. You can begin by seeing yourself happy a few years into the future and then a little at a time travel even further into the future. By practicing, you can succeed in the ability to remote view in hardly any time at all.

Some scientists consider that everyone could remote view in the past; however, the ability has been lost in time over the years. However, you can gain access to this forgotten ability when you learn to communicate with your subconscious mind.

Various resources will aid you in remote viewing. For example, you may wish to learn how to communicate with your subconscious mind by using hypnosis. You can visit a professional hypnotherapist or you can use hypnosis recording to help you learn how to remote view.

Another interesting means of communicating with your subconscious mind is to repeat simple affirmations. Binaural beats is a new audio technology that helps your brainwaves tune into the proper frequencies that make remote viewing possible.

Remote viewing may come naturally to you or you may struggle to achieve it. You may need to invest in some of the tools mentioned in order to succeed in remote viewing. However, you need to practice and be patient with yourself. When it comes to remote viewing, you have the ability to find objects, foresee future events and so much more! - 31877

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Manifesting Abundance - How You Can Have It All

By Anthea David

Manifesting abundance in your life is possible, no matter who you are or where you come from. Abundance comes into your life according to what you deeply are convinced you need, desire, and deserve. Most of who and what are in your life this very moment are reflections or expressions of these things, no matter if you consciously are aware of this or not.

Manifesting abundance is the knowing that thoughts have power. Your life has taken shape, beginning the moment you were born by the quality of your thoughts. When you were a baby, your quality of thought was only beginning to develop, since your thoughts focused on basic instincts and trying to absorb the vastness of the sensory input available to you.

From that point on, you learned to believe what your parents taught you. What you learned from your parents taught you how to socialize as a child. Then you went to school and learned that life is cold and unyielding. You were taught that manifesting abundance was foolish.

You found that you may be able to do it by beating yourself down with lots of hard work or you were just lucky or even that you have to have the best genes to accomplish your desires. You learned that most likely you would not have abundance in life. Not that you will starve or cannot have a nice home, although that may happen if you are not intelligent or you are not lucky. You were taught to forget your amazing dreams and extraordinary things that mean something to you, such as not to marry just any body but to marry your soul mate.

However, you can have abundance; you do not have to rely on luck, education or rare genes. You do not have to live a life of hard work, boredom and doing work that does not satisfy you.

You can thrive, since you have universal permission to do so, you deserve to thrive, you need to know this.

You need to know deep down inside your soul that you deserve to manifest abundance. Particular things can make this a reality and you need to understand and embrace that.

Now, each one of us is different. So just because the cosmic laws of manifesting abundance are universal, they will find unique expression in you and in your life, the way a musician applies universal laws of playing his instrument but has his own unique style of playing and composing. This is important to keep in mind so that you don't get confused. Manifesting abundance is not about keeping up with the Joneses.

When you manifest abundance in your life, you may or may not become famous, get married, or live in a mansion. In fact, you may just make enough money that will meet your needs to comfortably live within your means in a home that you love.

It matters most of all what you want in your heart. Manifesting abundance means manifesting all of your heart's desires. It means actually living your fantasies.

How can you manifest abundance? What cosmic laws must you align yourself with no matter who you are?

* Living your fantasies is what you deserve and you need to understand this deep down inside. If you do not, you need to meditate on the concept of deserving the desires of your heart. Do these while taking the time to find an internal private space daily, if you have a hard time comprehending this. You can do this by learning to meditate if you do not already know how to meditate. You need to re-program yourself to know the opposite, since long term conditioning that you are not good enough to live a charmed life exists within you.

* You need to know why you want those things you want and it needs to be deeply ingrained in your mind. If it is not, you will manifest things that you really do not want or need, remember you should not ask for anything you do not want since that is what will manifest in your life.

* After you know why you want it, allow your fantasy world to take the lead, while you intensely focus on the fantasies that occur.

* You will be inspired to take action to fulfill your fantasy, take all those opportunities. If you feel you need more knowledge, go online, read, order books, and watch videos that help you gain that knowledge. Follow your inspiration to go to certain places and websites and so on.

*It's not that your abundance will manifest without work; rather, it's that the work you do for it will be so inspired that it won't even seem like work to you, like a professional baseball player 'going to work' by playing his sport and getting paid millions of dollars for it.

* You should let things manifest as they will in your life. Do not try to force them. Keep in mind that that which you desire is on its way to you right now. Have the patience that comes along with knowing this.

Begin moving towards your lifetime dreams; they are waiting for you now. - 31877

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Try These Simple Astral Projection Techniques

By Carl J Wilkins

While there may be a number of different astral projection techniques which people can use in order to help them achieve success, one should bear in mind that because everyone is different, what works for one may not necessarily work for another. Interestingly enough, many people encounter problems with certain methods although for the most part, this is not because of the method they choose to use, but rather because they are unable to relax.

It simply cannot be stressed enough that total relaxation is vital if you are to achieve any measure of success with astral projection. The inability to relax seems to be more prevalent between those just starting out, largely because of fear. For the most part, this fear stems from the misconception that one can be harmed, or even die, because of the actual projection. Interestingly enough, the Canterbury institute which is renowned for their occult studies, conducted specific research in order to eliminate these fears.

In fact, the Canterbury Institute used 2,000 volunteers, all of whom participated in astral projection, and of course not one of those people were harmed in any way after following the various astral projection techniques. More importantly though, the Canterbury Institute followed all the volunteers for the next three years and during that time, none of them reported any problems and neither did any of them have any complaints.

Now that we've nipped the fear issue in the bud, let's take a look at a few of the astral projection techniques, all of which have helped a great number of people in the past. The good news is; all these techniques are also relatively easy. The first technique which we'll discuss is known as the Monroe Technique and it consists of seven main steps:

* Mind and body must be relaxed. Of course there are a number of relaxation techniques which people can use, although the easiest one is simply deep inhaling and exhaling. This is then followed by relaxing all the muscles of the body one at a time. Starting at the toes, tense each muscle and then release it again.

* The hypnotic state of mind. This is simply a state of mind when your mind and body are right at the very edge of consciousness. In other words, you are right at the verge of going to sleep but it's imperative that you do not allow yourself to actually fall asleep. This can be achieved by using what is known as the 'gazing method', where one focuses on an object in the room as you lie on your bed. Your aim should be to be able to see the object even when your eyes are closed.

* Once you reach a stage where you can still see the object even though your eyes are closed, you then need to deepen the state you're in. In order to do this, you should keep your eyes closed and start looking around, taking note of all the things you can see. During this stage it is not uncommon to see various light patterns and a purple glow. However, one shouldn't pay too much attention to this but instead, one should stay focused until such time that the light disappears. Once you no longer see the light you will have moved into a deeper state of relaxation. By this stage you mind and body is so relaxed that you will more than likely no longer be aware of your physical body.

* Likewise, this next step is also to vital according to Monroe. Here you will need to enter into what is known as,'the state of vibration'. Interestingly enough, most people who practice astral projection claim to feel the vibrations at an early stage of the projection. In fact, most of these people believe that these vibrations occur just as your astral body begins to separate from your physical body. Once again, this is perfectly normal so there is no reason to be alarmed when it happens.

* Controlling your state of vibration. You can control the vibrations in such a way that they move through your body. By using your mind you can direct these vibrations so that you can feel them all over as if there were waves washing over you. However, it will require a certain amount of practice before you are able to bring on these waves at will. Once you can create these ways at will, you're ready to leave your body.

* One of the most vital components to astral projection is having sufficient control in order to ensure that it's your mind that is in power. In order to strengthen your existing level of control, Monroe recommends that people practice partial separation. Here again, one should focus on leaving your physical body although in this case, you should only allow your hand or foot to go. Try to stretch your hand or foot out to towards an object which is nearby and then go ahead and push your hand or foot straight through the object. Once you manage to do that successfully, you can allow your hand or foot to return to your physical body and then you can go ahead and begin slowing down the vibrations in order to end your session.

* This last step is where you actually get to leave your physical body. Once again, you can follow all the previous steps but now, rather than only allowing a hand or foot to leave from the physical body, you're going to allow complete separation. In order to do this, you need to focus on just how weightless your body really is. In fact you can even try to imagine that your body is made up of feathers which are being blown around by the wind. At this point, your astral body should be starting to leave your physical body and this will become apparent as you begin to feel as though you are floating.

Other popular methods include techniques such as the gazing method, the anchor method, and the rope technique. Ideally, one should spend some time experimenting with the different techniques in order to establish which technique suits you the most.

What you do need to bear in mind however, is that not everyone can astral project immediately simply by using one of the techniques mentioned above, because after all, it does take practice.

Thanks to modern sound technology, those wishing to astral project can now make use of a shortcut. There is currently a new technique being used in order to induce a meditative state of mind which is necessary for actual projection. This technique aims to synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain by means of binaural beats. Basically, binaural beats consists of sound waves being played into each ear using different frequencies.

One can also opt for hypnosis recordings which have been designed to assist those interested in astral projection. These aim to reassure ones subconscious mind that it's perfectly acceptable for one to leave ones physical body.

One thing you can be sure of; astral projection is a life change inexperience, and the beauty of it is, anyone can do it, especially if you use some of the techniques mentioned. - 31877

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Laser Teeth Whitening

By Jane Davies

Nowadays, there are many treatments that are made easier by the use of lasers. Teeth whitening is no exception and laser teeth whitening is now one of the options that people have if they desire whiter teeth.

Laser teeth whitening is best for people who want to have it done painlessly and quickly. Unlike other methods of teeth whitening, you do not have to wait days or weeks to see the results of the treatment. You will notice that once the laser treatment is completed your teeth are whiter than they used to be. Many people are choosing this option because of the fast results that it brings. If you need to be at a do where you want everyone to notice how beautiful your smile is, this is the best way you can achieve it.

How does laser teeth whitening work?

1. Teeth Cleaning: The dental technician will begin the process of whitening by cleaning your teeth. This is very important because the plaque and germs that are already on your teeth will have a huge effect on the whitening process. The result of the treatment is greatly affected by the current condition of your teeth. That is why they have to be cleaned first.

2. Application of Whitening Gel and Laser Treatment: Once your teeth have been cleansed, the clinician will spread the whitening gel on your teeth. After the gel has been applied, you will be positioned for the laser treatment. The purpose of the laser is to enhance the whitening process of the gel. Without the laser, it would take several minutes or even hours before the gel can affect your teeth; however, with the laser, the whitening ingredients in the gel are activated immediately so that it produces results in a matter of seconds.

For more extreme cases of discolouration, one session is probably not enough to achieve the required result. Sometimes, the person needs to come back again for some more sessions before the change in the teeth colour becomes apparent. But for those who have mild teeth discolouration, one session is often enough.

Is laser whitening good for everyone?

As with all professional teeth whitening treatments, you can expect to pay a higher price for laser treatment than for over-the-counter remedies. Laser teeth whitening can be as expensive as any other technician-assisted method and if you are used to the whitening products that you can buy from stores, you will be shocked at the cost of professional laser teeth whitening. It should be noted that the price varies from clinic to clinic, but if you want to get the best value for your money, you should do some extra research to find out which one is offering the most competitive price.

You will find many choices of laser teeth whitening clinics to choose from on the Internet, but before deciding on one, read over all the ads so that you will not miss out on any of the other great offers there might be. If you are intent on having a great Hollywood smile, you can set up a savings account just for the laser teeth whitening session. Once you see the results, you will not be sorry and you can say that your money was well spent. Just think of it this way: why spend repeatedly on something that will take longer when you can spend it on laser teeth whitening and have an instantaneous and great result? - 31877

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Learn Telepathy - What Is Holding You Back?

By Richard P Minks

Telepathy is a form of communication which does not use the five standard senses. Instead of getting your thoughts across through speech or visually, telepathic communication works through a direct mind-to-mind link. It's a useful skill which every man and woman innately possesses and with practice, you too can communicate this way.

You've already used your natural telepathic abilities, although you may not have recognized it as such. One example is the common experience of thinking of a person who you haven't had any contact from in a long time; and then getting a letter, phone call or email from this person shortly after, sometimes even at the same time that you're thinking of them!

These happenings are not mere coincidence. The person you were thinking of was actually thinking of you first and you received this telepathic communication.

This contact then precipitated more conventional communication such as a letter or a phone call. Whether you thought of them first and they received these thoughts or the other way around, this telepathic link between the two of you is what brought you into communication with each other. The other person may have been meaning to get in touch and your telepathy picked up on this, leading you to think of them.

A lot of people think that telepathy is entirely mythical and even if not, they think that they couldn't learn how to use this ability themselves. In most cases, they have some sort of mental block whether this is a religious belief that telepathy belongs to the realm of black magic or the thinking that since there is no definitive proof of the phenomenon that it therefore could not possibly be real.

Still other people think that there is no reason to learn telepathy. After all, if it was so important, why wouldn't everyone practice it from a young age? This is the wrong way to think about it. We have to learn to use all of our other senses and just because our culture doesn't place a high value on psychic ability doesn't mean that learning telepathy is not worthwhile " it can be very useful, just as learning to communicate verbally is.

Telepathy and speech complement each other and when used together, allow you to communicate exactly what you mean. Telepathy can't always convey everything you want to say, but words can also prove inadequate. Using both of these natural communication abilities lets you be a more complete person and relate better with others.

Learning telepathy is in essence acquiring a new sense which lets you see the world in a different way; in fact, it opens more possibilities to you and gives you a broader perspective. This alone makes telepathy a talent well worth developing.

Partnering up with a close friend who is also interested in learning telepathy is the best way to practice this natural ability. It makes learning easier, quicker and more fun too!

You'll want to practice with your partner while in separate rooms or even with the two of you at your respective homes. This way you'll be unable to read body language or any other kind of visual cues. Relax and free your mind of stress and worry. After your practice sessions, call each other to compare notes.

You'll take turns with your partner; one will go first and try to establish a telepathic communications channel. Visualize your partner as clearly as you can and then imagine something connection you and your partner. Most people choose to visualize a ray of light, but anything which works for you will do fine.

Use this link to send a thought or an image. Send simple signals to begin with which are clear and easy to understand; but complex enough that it would be hard to guess.

After you feel that you have sent your telepathic signal, call your partner to ask what they received from you. Once you compare notes, take a few minutes to rest and then switch places with the sender in the first exercise now being the receiver.

You do need to be patient as you learn telepathy; it takes time to learn this skill and it's important not to let yourself get frustrated if it doesn't always work. If you dont think your transmission has been successful after 15 minutes, take a break and try again later. Otherwise, you'll just wear yourself out.

You'll need to practice regularly and keep a positive attitude as you learn telepathy. Stick with it and don't get frustrated if you don't succeed at first. If you're patient, you'll be using your telepathy sooner than you think and you'll gain a wonderful new perspective on the world. - 31877

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The Power Of Clairvoyance Is Already Within You!

By David Barry

Maybe you've thought about clairvoyance and what it could mean to you, but did you ever think you could develop your own abilities as a clairvoyant? In fact, you can, because clairvoyance is really just an ability, one that almost anyone can develop if they spend enough time on it and work hard enough at it. And so, it's a very good bet that you can develop your own clairvoyant skills, too, just by following a plan.

First, if you want to understand and explore your own clairvoyance, you have to understand the practice itself and how it works. It's seen as a psychic ability, true, but it's really much simpler than that. In fact, clairvoyance is really an intuitive knowledge about things. These things are not visible to the five senses, and they usually haven't happened yet. If you can develop your own clairvoyant skills, you can use them so that you can understand things you can't see or things that haven't happened yet.

To understand clairvoyant skills, you first need to understand that if you develop clairvoyant skills for yourself, you'll become much more peaceful and happy as a person. Done correctly, it's an important step you can take towards making sure you develop clairvoyant is a positive tool, and that you do so easily.

To develop your clairvoyant skills, you'll first have to become more sensitive to things you can't see, smell, touch, or taste around you. In other words, you won't be able to access them with your five senses, but there are energies that you can pick up on. We all can, but most often, we discount them and call them so much rubbish. Because you are this sensitive, though, you'll also need to be able to avoid things with negative energies or negative 'vibes.' That means, places, people and things that have negative energies may affect you in a negative way. In some cases, you won't be able to avoid encountering this type of negativity, but if you do, you'll learn how to use tools that can dissipate this negative energy even if you do have to deal with it. If you can learn to handle the negative energy you do encounter, you be better off.

There are some basic things that you can do right away to help develop your own clairvoyance. First of all, get rid of any negative possessions that you have. If something gives you bad vibes, or makes you feel negatively, get them out of your life. Be sure that you are able to cleanse yourself of your negativity.

Next, you are going to want to begin a meditation routine. Find a place that you can safely and securely mediate for at least 30 minutes each day, and then make sure that you do it. It should be your quiet time, and you shouldn't let anything interfere with it. Your general life can get in the way of your clairvoyance, so be sure that you are able to find some time to meditate.

When you meditate, and when you've gotten rid of everything in your life that either reminds you of or brings you negativity, you are going to be able to be more in touch with your feelings and you are going to trust them more, too. Doing a chakra balance meditation is also going to be able to help you feel more balanced and clear, since your energy chakra centers are an important part of this component. You can do chakra meditations with different chakra sound frequencies, all of which you can find online. When you listen to these, your chakras become balanced.

If you don't want to listen to these sounds come you can also visualize different colors of the chakras and the positions they take in your body. The chakra positions and their colors are as follows:

Red is near the base of the spine, orange is just below your navel, yellow is just above your navel, green is at the center of your chest, blue is in your throat area, indigo is on your forehead, and purple is at the top of your head.

Once you've got your chakras lined up, you can also work on trusting your feelings. Meditation will help with this as well. Unfortunately, perhaps, or society focuses on the power of the mind, and we tend to discount feelings as 'weak,' while logic is strong. However, feelings are indeed very important sources for information, and they can give us some important lessons, too. If you want to develop your clairvoyant skills, pay attention to your feelings and begin to listen to and follow them.

Next, your instincts are important as well. You may find yourself, for example, having an instinct to react a certain way in a situation, or to perhaps feel scared or feel badly about something when there's no apparent reason to do so. Usually, we may discount this and say that it's not important, but just try it once. Follow your instincts and do exactly what your feelings tell you to do. You'll likely find that your instinct is right and you kept yourself out of danger or otherwise thwarted an uncomfortable situation. As you do this, you'll become much more confident in your feelings and thoughts, and how they relate to or interact with each other. This is an important component to developing clairvoyant skills, but it's also important to you yourself becoming more balanced and happier as a person.

Especially when you're just starting to train yourself to become clairvoyant, learning to tap into and communicate with your subconscious mind is also going to be important. If you don't think you can do this on your own, you could visit a successful hypnotist. Alternatively, you could listen to recordings of hypnotists that are specifically produced to help you undergo self-hypnosis. As you do this, you'll see that you become more focused and relaxed.

And finally, you'll want to become more relaxed in your body and simply 'let yourself go,' leaning into your thoughts and feelings and honoring them for what they can tell you. Clairvoyance is going to take time to develop fully, but you can do it as long as you practice and learn to act on the feelings and intuitions you get. The more you allow yourself to tap into your feelings and trust them, and the more you follow your hunches and instincts, the better you're going to become it becoming clairvoyant. As you become more in tune with your life in general, and your feelings come as false positive flow of things, the better you will be able to access these things by seeing, hearing, and sensing them. - 31877

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Find Out How Fitness can be a Key to the Good Life

By Sean Flynn

There are some pre-requisites of good life- apart from money, health and happiness, are just few to name. Without these elements you cannot achieve what you call good life. Can you expect your life to be good one if you survive on medicines and making regular visits to doctors? For a good life in the absolute terms, fitness is must. And fitness can be achieved with balanced and healthy diet and working out everyday.

Exercise is beneficial to all regardless of age. It is one of the best things you can do to ensure good health. It helps you to take control of your life by maintaining a level of fitness that is essential to lead an active and a good life.

Research findings point out that much of the physical weakness associated with aging is in fact the upshot of lack of any physical activities, a poor lifestyle and eating habits, and diseases. However, most of these problems can be resolved or reversed by a positive change in lifestyle, regular exercise and eating a balanced and nutritious diet.

The beneficial effects of physical exercises are simply mind boggling. However, a proper and regular exercise will help to protect you against certain chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Heart ailments as well as degenerative diseases of the bone can also be prevented if you exercise regularly. The overall fitness thus achieved will help you in leading a good life.

Regular work out can help to maintain or restore balance and agility which are often taken for granted but it is a serious problem particularly among older people. With increasing age our sense of balance deteriorates and muscles lose their firmness which leads to weakness and unsteadiness and contributes to mis-steps that can cause injury or major accidents. It thus becomes absolutely essential to adopt an exercise routine that can restore agility and balance and help avoid injury from falls and mis-steps.

Additionally, research has also proven that regular exercise can help to protect against depression and reduce stress. It improves your mood. This holds true, particularly if you were previously leading a very sedentary lifestyle and then switched to a regular exercise routine. The reason behind this is that exercise causes the brain to release certain chemicals such as endorphins that help to improve your mood and keeps you happy. Exercise also gives one a sense of being productive and accomplished which in itself are potent mood elevators. There are various studies that point out that people who exercise regularly live much longer lives than those who do not.

Aside from a good workout a balanced diet is equally important to lead a good life. A balanced diet is one that is nutritious and incorporates food from all the food groups such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Balanced diet is not necessarily deprivation but organizing the edibles in a proper manner. Chuck out high calorie edibles, like fast food, oily foods or sweets, from your food list. Instead incorporate food with high nutritional value like lean meat, green leafy vegetables, eggs, nuts etc. Carbohydrate rich foods like bread, pasta and rice are also good for health. Your meal should be balanced with all these foods so that eating remains as interesting as it used to be when you survived on junk and street food.

Eating a wide variety of food is absolutely vital as it helps to meet our body?s requirements of vitamins, other essential minerals help your way to a good life. Apart from exercise and food, adequate sleep and rest are also important to enjoy a good life as they are good rejuvenators. - 31877

About the Author:

The Secret To Happiness Is Connection

By Masami Sato

Why do we live? What are we here for? Day after day we asked these questions of the purpose and meaning of our lives. And most of us constantly look for the answer. How can we achieve happiness? This is yet another question urging us to look for its answer every day. What if the answer to those questions is simple? What if it is all simply about ONE thing? Connection. The secret of happiness is explained thoroughly in the clear and refreshing voice of Masami Sato in this excerpt of her book, ONE.

What are we looking for?

There are so many things that we carry out in our lives.

But have we ever thought about why we do what we do? What are we really looking for?

The world is a confluence of millions of people of all continents, races, religions, and ideologies, doing different things. They look different and also act in different ways. All of us have different interests and each have a different viewpoint. We converse differently using different languages. We have different emotions and desires.

Still, if there could be ONE thing that we are ALL trying to get, what would that thing be?

As I travelled around the world, I often asked people a simple question, "What would you like to achieve in your life? What do you really want?"

In the beginning it appeared that different people were looking for different things. People said different things like "A house of my own", "A good job", "A perfect partner", "A soul mate", "A little more money", "An affectionate family", "Freedom", "Peace of mind", "A purpose to life" etc. There were many answers of this type.

I actually noticed that some of these things are temporal desires and some are more permanent desires. Temporal desire means we want it because we do not have it yet or we don't think we have it yet. On the other hand, permanent desire is not about attaining things we do not have. It is about the 'feeling' we seek so this does not end no matter what we get or achieve at each moment of our life.

If we take off the temporal desires from the list and look only at the permanent desires, it is clear that all we want is to continue experiencing positive feelings like exhilaration, enjoyment, encouragement, motivation, kindness, love, happiness etc. - in another way, we want to remain happy.


Happiness is one state of emotion that we are all longing to be in. We all may define it differently. We may value it differently. We may experience it at different levels of intensity. But we surely have something in common when happiness comes to us. And when we discover this secret about happiness, we hold the power to be happier, and to make others around us experience the same feeling too.

This life, that we live, is a mystery. All of us like it in our own different ways. We may also dislike it in different ways. We may wonder about it. We may cherish it. Or we may just accept it in an offhand manner. But what is the ultimate purpose of this life? What if the mystery of our existence is at hand? What if its revelation actually brings us happiness and fulfilment when we come face to face with it?

What if the secret of our life purpose, and of happiness, is as simple as this:

It is all about connection.

Relationship is everything

Everything is about connecting. Everything is part of everything else. If we look at our own life, it says it all. Then we will start to see the real purpose of our life.

Why do we do something, ANYTHING in life as human beings?

It is mainly because we want to bond more and more. We make fiends to feel bonded. We get married for bonding with another person in a firm and lasting manner. We raise a family to feel even more bonded. We go out and meet people to bond well with them, not only for getting advantages out of that bonding, but also to feel more bound to the world.

We buy good clothes or go to a hairdressing saloon for a better relationship with our aesthetical sense and to our own physical appearance. We eat all types of food to feel more connected to the sense of taste and flavour. We eat out to feel the relationship to the people we dine with. We get mobile phones and computers to weave relationships with others and the world. We read magazines and newspapers to remain in touch with whatever is going on and what others are doing and experiencing. We educate ourselves to keep in touch with what others know and value.

Every single thing we do is to satisfy the need for connection. If we're not connected to our own body, we don't even have to eat and sleep. Our connection to all our senses tells us to do something to satisfy the demand of the body. We feel pain and discomfort if we ignore the signals of our own body. And beyond our basic needs, we seek a greater sense of connection - connection to our existence - connection to our purpose. And without that connection, it's empty. Just like the emptiness many of us feel inside when we're not even connected to ourselves. That simply cannot be the natural way we're designed to live our lives.

Relationship is powerful, and yet it's fragile and tender..

When the bonds in a relationship lose strength, we go in for a separation, divorce, disagreements, judgement, and bitterness. It never feels good to lose the bonding. Still, it possible to be in love with someone today, and totally disconnected and bitter towards him tomorrow. And this change of feelings can happen just by the flicker of an eyelid. And the eyes might be yours or theirs!

When the relationship is not there.

When we do not feel the connection, we start seeing problems. We start seeing differences and barriers. We start judging and criticising others. We magnify, dwell on and give energy to those things we perceive as problems. When that happens, we could even turn it all inwards and give ourselves pain and criticism. We cannot feel totally happy when we're feeling disconnected from even one thing.

Relationship: the Secret to Happiness

What about if we looked at the whole concept in reverse? When we do that we discover this simple truth: we cannot feel unhappy when we are feeling totally connected. It's impossible!

Try to feel grouchy when we have a good relationship with the people around us and smiling and sharing things completely. Even when we have 'problems' in life, we can still smile together and feel delighted when we are bound together in a good relationship. At the same time, it is hard to be happy if we do not have that edifying relationship.

Bonding: Our Life

Connection is the core of everything. That's what life is. Connection.

Everything is a mere collection of smaller parts. Everything connects together to form a greater unit; like our bodies are collections of smaller parts, organs, cells, atoms and molecules.

Our acts and the choices we make are the manifestations of our need for bonding. We are designed to persistently search ways to bond to each other and to a larger rationale.

Connection and Religion

Some of us have opted to become a part of different religious systems to feel better related to each other. The relationship that we yearn to build could be to God. It could be to those who share the same belief system. When there is the sharing of a similar conviction, there is a stronger relationship within that group. More bestowing on each other takes place among people who feel related to each other.

Connection and Business

Many people start businesses to feel more connected to themselves by being in charge of their own destiny. But often in the business world, we end up feeling more and more isolated especially when we start perceiving other businesses as competitors, staff as tools and customers as a money stream. But the fundamental point of why we got into business was to feel connected. So, why do we need to create any isolation at all? Maybe in the ideal world, all the businesses worked differently, but together.

Relationship and Wars

Some of us even raise arguments or wars to feel some sense of 'triumph' or what is a heightened sense of safety and importance. But strangely, this ricochets. The minute we 'win' the fight, we are in fact weakening the relationship. We now require more sureness to defend ourselves from being assaulted by others. We thus end up being more unsure and frightened. We cannot take it lightly as it really happens to almost all of us in one form or another.

It may be the differences of opinion we have with people around us. It may be the wrong conclusions we reach at when we decide another person is wrong. When we want to be the only person to triumph, it will not be a victory in the true sense of the word - there would be no bonding. We can only rejoice when we succeed in unison. Then we feel the strong bond.

Despite the myriad ways in which we communicate our wants, everything we do is to fulfil the longing we have to feel and have strong bonds.

The real sense of connection comes only through our heart. We can connect with anybody when we are truly caring for them and feeling connected with them. If we know this, creating the desired state is actually simple, easy and fun. Then we would naturally experience more happiness and joy.

Life is just like a game. We experience things and do things in a game but fundamentally, the aim of any game is to enjoy. It is not about doing things or having things. When the game finally ends, the winners are only the ones who enjoyed the game. Not the ones who had more at the end. The results and outcomes of a game we play don't affect our true life. But if we lost all our friends to play with during a game just because we wanted to be the winner in this round, would it lead us to the real winning game?

It is easy to comprehend this when compared to acting in a play, but we often fail to understand it while enacting the play of life. We do not remember that life is also a play.

We have no idea when the play started and when it would come to an end, we know that it began some day in the past and it will be finished some day. When the curtain falls on the stage of the play, we can just say, "Wow, it was really good. Let's act in it once again!"

In this game called life, the aim of the game is to 'connect'. We can keep connecting until we all become one. It is the only way to continuously feel connected to our purpose-sense of happiness and joy. We cannot feel disconnected to anything or deny and judge even one thing if we are to achieve the state of total connection.

Life is as simple as that. There is just ONE secret.

And the secret is to connect.

To turn into ONE

To enjoy. - 31877

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