It's not enough to believe. We have to learn to put our principles to the test and act in an appropriate way. These days, in the present economy, it appears as though it's easy to slip into self-absorbed thinking. When things get troublesome we tend to concentrate on ourselves and our families. This is natural, but it is critical that we still try to make a difference in the lives of others. You don't have to spend a lot of time or money to contribute. In truth, only a few seconds can make a change. Perhaps we should all create a plan to do something to switch the world every day, or at least once every week. There are some great books available that can provide suggestions, and you can come up with your own concepts about how to help others with only a few greenbacks or 1 or 2 minutes. The key is to focus on what you CAN do, not on what you CAN'T do. Can you drop by to check on an aged neighbor? Can you take a few minutes to clear a neighbor's sidewalk of snow? How about taking a few napkins from home so you can pick up a couple of pieces of garbage to ditch on your way to work or school ( the napkins are so you do not get your hands dirty ) ? Can you manage a second and some extra calories of energy to grin at somebody, hold the door for someone, or give someone a compliment? How about a tip and a'Thank you' for a service person? We would possibly not be in a position to donate millions, but in these times it is more critical than ever to put the emphasis back on giving. It isn't difficult to think of others when you are feeling like you have it all. The real test of personality is how we concentrate on helping folks when times are difficult.
It isn't enough to believe. We have to learn to put our principles to the test and act appropriately. These days, in the present economy, it seems as if it's not difficult to slip into selfish thinking. When things get tricky we tend to concentrate on ourselves and our families. This is natural, but it is critical that we still attempt to make a difference in the lives of others. You don't have to spend a lot of time or money to make a contribution. In truth, just a few seconds can make a change. Perhaps we should all create a plan to do something to change the world each day, or at a minimum once each week. There are some great books available that will provide suggestions, and you can come up with your own concepts about how to help others with just a few greenbacks or 1 or 2 minutes. The secret's to concentrate on what you CAN do, not on what you CAN'T do. Are you able to drop by to check on an elderly neighbor? Can you take one or two minutes to clear a neighbor's path of snow? How about taking one or two tissues from home so you can pick up two pieces of rubbish to ditch on your way to work or school ( the tissues are so you don't get involved ) ? Can you manage a second and some extra calories of energy to smile at somebody, hold the door for somebody, or give somebody a compliment? How about a tip and a'Thank you' for a service person? We might not be in a position to give millions, but in these times it is more critical than ever to put the emphasis back on giving. It isn't difficult to think about others when you're feeling like you have it all. The true test of character is how we target helping others when times are hard.
Good Samaritan laws - thousands of people around the globe live by the code of the Bible, which teaches us how to think, act, and believe in a way that is in line with God's plan. However , we could have certain questions that are of a modern nature that aren't covered in traditional holy scribblings. Now some authors are doing their best to provide insights that may help Christians to navigate the untrustworthy waters of modern society, combining our ideals with practical modern application for doing good in a modern , technological world.
Change the World - if you doubt your own ability to switch the world, just glance at the many Biblical and modern examples of folks that came from nothing to be world figures and world changers. Some of them may not have shared our specific beliefs, but it they can do it we can do it. Mummy Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Gandhi, and varied members of the clergy, the arts, even business ( like Bill Strickland ) should provoke us that we will be able to change and improve the world in our own ways , regardless of how huge or how little we believe that we are. It's not for us to decide how our efforts and good objectives will be put to use.
Change the World - if you doubt your own capability to switch the world, just look at the many Biblical and modern examples of folks that came from zilch to be world figures and world changers. A few of them may not have shared our specific beliefs, nevertheless it they can do it we will do it. Mum Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Gandhi, and various members of the clergy, the arts, even business ( like Bill Strickland ) should inspire us that we are able to change and improve the world in our own ways irrespective of how big or how little we believe that we are. It is not for us to decide how our efforts and good ambitions will be put to use. - 31877
It isn't enough to believe. We have to learn to put our principles to the test and act appropriately. These days, in the present economy, it seems as if it's not difficult to slip into selfish thinking. When things get tricky we tend to concentrate on ourselves and our families. This is natural, but it is critical that we still attempt to make a difference in the lives of others. You don't have to spend a lot of time or money to make a contribution. In truth, just a few seconds can make a change. Perhaps we should all create a plan to do something to change the world each day, or at a minimum once each week. There are some great books available that will provide suggestions, and you can come up with your own concepts about how to help others with just a few greenbacks or 1 or 2 minutes. The secret's to concentrate on what you CAN do, not on what you CAN'T do. Are you able to drop by to check on an elderly neighbor? Can you take one or two minutes to clear a neighbor's path of snow? How about taking one or two tissues from home so you can pick up two pieces of rubbish to ditch on your way to work or school ( the tissues are so you don't get involved ) ? Can you manage a second and some extra calories of energy to smile at somebody, hold the door for somebody, or give somebody a compliment? How about a tip and a'Thank you' for a service person? We might not be in a position to give millions, but in these times it is more critical than ever to put the emphasis back on giving. It isn't difficult to think about others when you're feeling like you have it all. The true test of character is how we target helping others when times are hard.
Good Samaritan laws - thousands of people around the globe live by the code of the Bible, which teaches us how to think, act, and believe in a way that is in line with God's plan. However , we could have certain questions that are of a modern nature that aren't covered in traditional holy scribblings. Now some authors are doing their best to provide insights that may help Christians to navigate the untrustworthy waters of modern society, combining our ideals with practical modern application for doing good in a modern , technological world.
Change the World - if you doubt your own ability to switch the world, just glance at the many Biblical and modern examples of folks that came from nothing to be world figures and world changers. Some of them may not have shared our specific beliefs, but it they can do it we can do it. Mummy Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Gandhi, and varied members of the clergy, the arts, even business ( like Bill Strickland ) should provoke us that we will be able to change and improve the world in our own ways , regardless of how huge or how little we believe that we are. It's not for us to decide how our efforts and good objectives will be put to use.
Change the World - if you doubt your own capability to switch the world, just look at the many Biblical and modern examples of folks that came from zilch to be world figures and world changers. A few of them may not have shared our specific beliefs, nevertheless it they can do it we will do it. Mum Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Gandhi, and various members of the clergy, the arts, even business ( like Bill Strickland ) should inspire us that we are able to change and improve the world in our own ways irrespective of how big or how little we believe that we are. It is not for us to decide how our efforts and good ambitions will be put to use. - 31877
About the Author:
The power of positive thinking is a mind boggling thing. One popular saying is Give without remembering.