Telepathy can have many meanings to many people, the simply put definition is that it is being able to feel what another feels without being around them. This must be done without being able to see them, hear them, or touch them physically.
Telepathic communication is therefore communication on another level entirely. Indeed, many animal trainers and scientists researching the ways animal communicate have become convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that animals are using telepathic communications in addition to other means of reaching each other, and sometimes their telepathic communications extend over vast distances.
It is believed that many natives who have not been modernized may be able to share ideas through telepathy. This is an amazing observation in this technical day and age.
There are many common cases of telepathy, though it is still considered by some to just be witch craft or that telepathy does not exist at all. While the reality is that one can learn this ability as one learns other aspects of human life such as writing and talking to one another in a way that is comprehensible. If we have problems with these tasks, we do not say they do not exist because we can not learn them, we just adapt our learning to circumvent the block or problem that causes the learning disability.
But instead, our civilization has mostly lost the telepathic powers that are just as much part of the natural human brain and capabilities as speech, response to music, and the five senses.
Some people consider this another sense altogether. That is considered to be the sixth sense to many. It also comes in many other names depending on the era and region. It is now basically considered an instinct.
Intuition is a form of telepathy. You know that feeling that someone is watching your or the hair on your arms starts to tingle? That is telepathy in its purest form. Most of the time when you have these feelings, you are correct in your assessment. How many times have your children woken you up by just looking at you while you sleep, intuitively, even in your sleeping state you sense that someone is there and wake up.
It may be wondered by some when did we stop having more profound telepathy as opposed to intuition. More formalized religion can surely take some of the blame. Most forms of structured religious beliefs do not adhere to the fact that telepathy exists, instead it is assumed and associated with darker cultures. This gives the common man a fear of what telepathy can do that may be evil.
These religions among us have come to have such power over society that a great many people have been taught to put no faith in telepathy, but only in 'the Messiah' or 'the Savior' or 'the Prophet' rather than in their own natural abilities.
But this does beg the question, why would religions come to be so distrustful of telepathy in the first place? The answer is likely to lie in the power hunger of so many religious 'leaders' and authorities who don't want their own alleged divine powers challenged by telepaths. Of course, not every religious leader is like this, but too many are and have been throughout history.
Scientists have a basic need to be able to explain any event. Because of the elusive nature of telepathy, they do not believe it exists even though many people have had these experiences in their lives. A lot of testing has been done on known telepaths but still the scientific community as a whole has discounted these revelations. They assume there is some type of hoax involved as some of these tests have not been in controlled situations.
Yet, emotions and instincts are known and accepted to exist by scientists. So it would seem that what we have here is simple prejudice: scientists can feel emotions themselves so they have to accept them. Instincts can also be felt by humans, and instincts are needed to explain much animal behavior, so they feel compelled to accept them, too. Yet these things are as elusive as telepathy.
Could it be jealousy on the part of those scientists who cannot exercise their own telepathic abilities so don't want anyone to have them? And could it at other times be labeling a phenomenon as being the more familiar 'instinctive-ness response' when really it was telepathic in nature?
It is hard to say how we lost our original telepathic ability. It may be that with the advancement of men and technology, we lost our need to be more telepathic. - 31877
Telepathic communication is therefore communication on another level entirely. Indeed, many animal trainers and scientists researching the ways animal communicate have become convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that animals are using telepathic communications in addition to other means of reaching each other, and sometimes their telepathic communications extend over vast distances.
It is believed that many natives who have not been modernized may be able to share ideas through telepathy. This is an amazing observation in this technical day and age.
There are many common cases of telepathy, though it is still considered by some to just be witch craft or that telepathy does not exist at all. While the reality is that one can learn this ability as one learns other aspects of human life such as writing and talking to one another in a way that is comprehensible. If we have problems with these tasks, we do not say they do not exist because we can not learn them, we just adapt our learning to circumvent the block or problem that causes the learning disability.
But instead, our civilization has mostly lost the telepathic powers that are just as much part of the natural human brain and capabilities as speech, response to music, and the five senses.
Some people consider this another sense altogether. That is considered to be the sixth sense to many. It also comes in many other names depending on the era and region. It is now basically considered an instinct.
Intuition is a form of telepathy. You know that feeling that someone is watching your or the hair on your arms starts to tingle? That is telepathy in its purest form. Most of the time when you have these feelings, you are correct in your assessment. How many times have your children woken you up by just looking at you while you sleep, intuitively, even in your sleeping state you sense that someone is there and wake up.
It may be wondered by some when did we stop having more profound telepathy as opposed to intuition. More formalized religion can surely take some of the blame. Most forms of structured religious beliefs do not adhere to the fact that telepathy exists, instead it is assumed and associated with darker cultures. This gives the common man a fear of what telepathy can do that may be evil.
These religions among us have come to have such power over society that a great many people have been taught to put no faith in telepathy, but only in 'the Messiah' or 'the Savior' or 'the Prophet' rather than in their own natural abilities.
But this does beg the question, why would religions come to be so distrustful of telepathy in the first place? The answer is likely to lie in the power hunger of so many religious 'leaders' and authorities who don't want their own alleged divine powers challenged by telepaths. Of course, not every religious leader is like this, but too many are and have been throughout history.
Scientists have a basic need to be able to explain any event. Because of the elusive nature of telepathy, they do not believe it exists even though many people have had these experiences in their lives. A lot of testing has been done on known telepaths but still the scientific community as a whole has discounted these revelations. They assume there is some type of hoax involved as some of these tests have not been in controlled situations.
Yet, emotions and instincts are known and accepted to exist by scientists. So it would seem that what we have here is simple prejudice: scientists can feel emotions themselves so they have to accept them. Instincts can also be felt by humans, and instincts are needed to explain much animal behavior, so they feel compelled to accept them, too. Yet these things are as elusive as telepathy.
Could it be jealousy on the part of those scientists who cannot exercise their own telepathic abilities so don't want anyone to have them? And could it at other times be labeling a phenomenon as being the more familiar 'instinctive-ness response' when really it was telepathic in nature?
It is hard to say how we lost our original telepathic ability. It may be that with the advancement of men and technology, we lost our need to be more telepathic. - 31877